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Austin, Texas
I was created to create!
Interests: art, painting, museums, beading, galleries, entertaining at home, eating out with friends, outdoors anything, thrift shopping, reading, just enjoying the beauty of nature, barks and meows
Recent Activity
Ahhh Laura... I'm sooo happy you opted for the TREES!!!! Loved all the pictures... wish I could just live in the middle of that forest! Thank you for posting all about it! Love, Selah Gay xo
ART is now following Christine Krauss
Jan 17, 2011
ART is like a warm snuggly couch where I come to talk about Creativity, Love, and Life! I'm Selah, and I was created to create! I hope you'll join me on this journey! Enjoy LIFE One Moment At A Time! (Click HERE...For more info on this Incredible Kitty Couch!) I know...I want one too! PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR MY MOST CURRENT POST Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2011 at ART
ART is now following Di St. Jacques-Blue
May 24, 2010
ART is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2010