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Stephanie Morrison
Elora, Ontario, Canada
Seeking a simple life of time and valuable relationships.
Recent Activity
Stephanie Morrison is now following carrolltrust
Nov 20, 2009
Stephanie Morrison is now following Bobbin Talk
Sep 21, 2009
Stephanie Morrison is now following Ez
Sep 21, 2009
According to the post and the assorted comments, really, really long drives are sounding a bit more appealing than the airplane method. I've only been on a plane once quite a few years ago so I haven't got to experience all the interesting anomalies described. My traveling locations are downsizing as I write! It's mostly humour, right?
To improve my future I will be cherishing my time with Family and positively effecting others. I'll use other time wisely developing myself and businesses to produce an income that will afford me more time to spend with family and positively effecting others.
1 reply
I've realized that very thing a while ago and have been in search of an organization that thrives on the power of teamwork and helping others live to their potential. Team found me and exposed me to a unlimited source of prosperity. I'm looking forward to my life with Team 20, 40 and 60 years from now.
Toggle Commented Sep 11, 2009 on Leadership Thoughts at Author Chris Brady's Blog