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Andrew Storrs
Vancouver, Canada
IT Consultant
Interests: I'm an independent IT consultant based out of Vancouver, Canada. My work is usually focused on server/application virtualization, server-based computing/VDI, storage, clustering and data center optimization.
Recent Activity
So you're finally admitting to being a spy for Michael Dell. ;)
Farley, Marc Farley. "Shaken, not stirred... oh and with a side of rick-roll please"
I suppose it was inevitable
There is no question that I'm going to get a lot of ribbing from friends of mine in the business when they read about this. After all, I was at Convergenet prior to it's acquisition by Dell and then again years later at EqualLogic when it was acquired by Dell and - as some have teased me ab...
Any information you can share on the updates to mbrscan/mbralign?
- Linux alignment without the need to hack GRUB afterwards? ;)
- Support for aligning Windows Server 2008 (and R2) boot disks (again without editing things) that have been X2V'd with a tool other than PlateSpin (e.g. VMware Converter)?
- The holy grail - ESXi support?
NetApp VSC 2.0 vCenter Plug-in Announced
In support of the release of VMware vSphere 4.1, NetApp has announced version 2.0 of the Virtual Storage Console. Obviously, with today’s release, VMware has delivered on a large number of new capabilities in the many areas such as… vCompute: Memory Compression & DRS Host Affinity vNetwork: Ne...
"p.s Hah, how many people read the title and thought....another blogger going to join EMC!?"
Guilty as charged. ;)
One door closes, another opens
I find the announcements of the past few weeks from EMC and NetApp around their cloud storage offerings really interesting; it shows an interesting contrast at the moment in approach. One increasingly controlling and one lessening control. EMC finally announced a software appliance version of A...
Chad, the links to the new Celerra VSA are broken now (aka someone cleaned-up the FTP server). ;)
NEW Celerra VSA!
UPDATE (April 2nd, 2010): new version of the Celerra VSA ( is here Please follow the link for the latest doc packages, workstation and OVA (vSphere) versions. I’m keeping this post up for the threads…. Thanks!
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