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Need to take the vmware Focus-In at Hillview!
1 reply
@Vaughn - a few of us have noticed the mbrscan and (the newer) nfsstat -d output are not agreeing on the state of alignment - can you weigh in on if this just an interpretation of nfsstat -d output issue or if we actually have unaligned IO happening on what mbrscan says are aligned VMs? thanks
1 reply
@Vaughn - a few of us have noticed the mbrscan and (the newer) nfsstat -d output are not agreeing on the state of alignment - can you weigh in on if this just an interpretation of nfsstat -d output issue or if we actually have unaligned IO happening on what mbrscan says are aligned VMs? thanks
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Anyone else get this error from the new mbralign?: No such file or directory at line 1667. from the new mbralign included in VSC 2.0? AFAICT, There is no perl script included in the mbrtools.tar.gz downloaded from the VSC 2.0 Netapp vCenter plugin. thanks
1 reply
Finally got VSC 2.0 installed on Win 2008 64 bit (make sure you "run as administrator" the first time!) I'm very happy to see the vFiler support! thanks!
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Great news on VSC 2.0 - when can we download it? I only see 1.0 on the NOW site: We are especially keen to make sure we are using the latest mbrscan and mbralign utilities (updated in VSC 2.0) thanks!
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Hi, we are aligning all our VMs with Netapp's mbralign tool. We fix the linux grub with a Rescue "super grub" CD - but this does not work on the Solaris VMs Error is: "Error 6 Mismatched or corrupt version of stage1/stage2" I tried the manual steps (specifying the a "slice" someone mentioned in a solaris forum): grub> root (hd0,0,a) grub> setup (hd0) but got the same error Has anyone successfully aligned a Solaris VM?? thanks
Toggle Commented Jul 12, 2010 on mbralign on Steroids at NetApp - The Drop Zone
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I asked for a license to try compression in our 7.3.3 cluster but was told its not actually available until 8.0.1? Can someone please clarify which version of ONTAP will actually run compression routines? thanks
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We went to hook this up to our Netapp but FMA seems to require a CIFS login to function even if we don't own the CIFS license for our Netapp? (We are 100% NFS datastores via vFilers) Why the (apparent) CIFS dependency? thanks
Vaughn, thanks for taking the time after getting back from your family vacation to construct such a balanced, salient point by point technical rebuttal. Thanks to you both for challenging each other to cut through the marketing and continuing to help the customers create the best solutions. -- Netapp and EMC customer
Toggle Commented Apr 17, 2010 on Blogging with Integrity? at The Virtual Storage Guy
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I've been aware of this issue for a while - the real question for the customer is why can't vmware and netapp put their APIs & engineers together (as they have done very successfully in the past) to solve it with zero downtime for VMs? eg: If I can storage vMotion the live VM to another datastore why can that process not lay down the destination vmdk's in alignment
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Looks like I have a real good reason to skip 7.3.2 and go right to 7.3.3! thanks Eric!
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Vaughn, I was all excited to try this and test the speed since the last version - but while adding my storage controller credentials I ran into the same issue as before - vFilers (aka multistore) do not seem to fully support the same API as vfiler0 (eg ssh is not supported on vFilers in ONTAP v Any idea in what ONTAP version the vFiler customers will get to play with the great tools like RCU? thanks!
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Watched the demo - how does the benefit of "HW accelerated" cloning compare on NFS datastores vs FC SAN datastores (shown in the demo)? thanks!
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Hey, so I looked it up - the enterprise licenses allow for 12 core CPUs (vs 6 core) Now if vmware could just figure out how to manage the licensing - upgrading 3.5 to vSphere licenses has been a nightmare of surprise lapsed support - confusion and delays Every week vmware finds a few more licenses we are owed and they randomly throw us other department's license codes and give ours to other depts...