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I have enjoyed this last season's postings. I have never been to NYC in the summertime. Hopefully a pleasure for the future.
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The cycle of the year, like the life of a person, how precious the continuing and sometimes unexpected warmth as autumn approaches. What clarity when the heat haze dissipates! And where better to experience this than close to the ocean? Your picture of the turtle made me think of the Galapagos scene in "Suddenly Last Summer".
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I love the nostalgia of American diners with chrome, stools, checkered floors, large slices of pie in glass carousels . . . dreams of city adventure for a boy from a village in England. A memory of the feeling still returns whenever I visit one of these fine establishments. Deep-fried slices of Camelot.
Toggle Commented Aug 31, 2009 on Diner and Bagels at The World Examining Works
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You express so well the nature of blogging. I had always been a private person and reluctant to put myself "out there". After all, how often do I really have something "important" to say? But I have come to accept and love the beauty of the small connections that we make and the sharing of thoughts, words and images from our everyday lives. Even the silly ones. . . a morning can be made brighter by a wet puppy.
Toggle Commented Aug 27, 2009 on Blogging at The World Examining Works
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Nothing exceeds like excess.
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2009 on ShopRite at The World Examining Works
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