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So am I! I'm almost done with it :)
Toggle Commented May 10, 2012 on "you are hearing me talk" at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Edit ran out ... so let me add here: I agree with a previous poster in how I was able to push aside your previous characters, though I did pick up hints of Fawkes and Evil Wil in Parrish. Not much, mind you, but I feel you may have tapped into those personas a little when you show your arrogance.
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2011 on EUREKA: Glimpse at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
For me, it was the first episode of Eureka I had seen in a while. I thought it was a well-written and well-played out episode. You and Felicia were great additions to this "season" and I look forward to how the storyline plays out. I even wonder if there will be a competition for Holly between your character and Fargo. Frankly, I LOVED the Stan Lee cameo. EXCELSIOR! It's too bad they couldn't get someone more "Banner" like for his associate in the scene. Am I the only one who wished the "immersive holodeck" thing they used for the CSI-esque analysis would malfunction and try to kill everyone so Parrish could suddenly turn into Wesley Crusher? No? Oh. Well, sorry about that ...
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2011 on EUREKA: Glimpse at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply is now following Wil
Jun 22, 2011
If you ever do open said arcade, I hope you have enough Fuck You money to open one in every major city in the US, so I can partake in said nostalgia here in NC. Oh, and I'll take a job, too :)
Toggle Commented Jun 22, 2011 on the value of a quarter at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
This episode was hilarious, and your reappearance on the latest episode of "The Guild" was bad-@$$! Keep it up! Russell
1 reply
Just watched the showdown clip. AWESOMESAUCE! I'm so ready to watch this episode tonight! I hate that I have to wait a week to see you in The Guild :(
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