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you obviously didnt listen to the track...he aint talkin bout those types of guns jackass
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HallofFame66c is now following S.C. PrettyWoman
Jan 12, 2010
We know he doesn't have skills as a real rapper, this is just the only way his name gets out every year, so chill out on o'boy...let him do his thing
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I would say 50 started it when he put the pic of Jay with the glasses in his video
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O yea shout outs to Fab, a NY nigga thats keepin it real and aint scared to comment on whats really goin on with NY hip hop
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Kill ur self Manny, Jay aint stoppin none of them NY niggas from tryin to shine, they just aint takin advantage of there opportunities. And the Nigga from NC is actually aight, but you sound like a typical Jay-Z hater so your whole comment is irrelevant
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The predictions are normally good, the only reason they were so far off with Jay is because they didnt take into account the fact that alot of people were expecting the album to drop on sept 11th instead of the 8th and that rhapsody held the rights to the digital releases until the 11th. They just jumped the gun on unreliable first day numbers with Hov, the Kid Cudi predictions will more than likely be on point
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Damn, yall just had 2 find somethin to hate on Hov about. Just be happy for the guy. 11 number one albums, most if not all platinum selling albums, a couple classics, you gotta give props were props are due, Jay's one of the best to ever do it. And for yall haters, just f*ckin deal with it.
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Actually if you listen to the latest radio interview Beans did, you would think everythings cool wit Beans and Hov, & no Kanye's not on Roc Nation, the first rapper Jay signed to Roc Nation is J Cole.
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This clown ass nigga bout to get destroyed once again, and to add insult to injury, them slaughterhouse niggas gon stomp him out after Em give him dat 1-2 punch
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