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Nitasha J
Recent Activity
Nitasha J is now following Amanda Rose Zampelli
Dec 20, 2012
This is epic! Would love to win one of these new kits! Thanks so much for the chance!
Toggle Commented Jul 31, 2012 on Studio Calico Card Kit Giveaway at Kelly Purkey
Gorgeous layout! You AC girls are RockStars!
1 reply
Nitasha J is now following Jen Chesnick
Sep 17, 2011
Nitasha J is now following Lisa Dickinson
Aug 11, 2011
Nitasha J is now following Clear Scraps
May 15, 2011
Nitasha J is now following Lori
Sep 19, 2010
You crack me up!!! Funny you should mention kiddos hot after school 8yoa son just asked me to take him to buy a new toothbrush and toothpaste today b/c he noticed his breath was smelling like dog pooh today at school...ummmm that's a little more than a toothbrush issue son! You need to go to DENTIST if your breath is that stank! LOL! :)He has an appointment tomorrow...I'm serious!
Toggle Commented Jun 3, 2010 on .. things I love at Soldier Girl's Thoughts
1 reply
After a crazy day of blog hoppin' and on-line croppin' my scrap space is ummm....not so inspirational now (looks like a disaster area)so, I'll tell you about my fav diecut machine....The cricut! And, well, it's my fav because it's the only one I have, and well actually I've never even used it! But...I plan to try it out tonight in honor of NSD (heehee-it's been sitting on my desk for months waiting...) HAPPY NSD, Sasha and good luck with your new space
Toggle Commented May 2, 2010 on more NSD celebrating at Soldier Girl's Thoughts
1 reply
Happy NSD! Even though I'm not a misting pro- I just can't get enough of it! Used it on cardstock and thickers for this challenge..
1 reply
hilarious...yes fb is a wonderful place to jump off for scrapbooking... "you'll poke your eye out" reminds me of my fav holiday movie- A christmas story! Can't stop laughin'! So cute, I was just sitting her wishin' I could bottle up my kiddos' cutness from when they were tots! Enjoy!
1 reply
ohh that mr campy is just too cute! I have been saving him, but now I have some fresh ideas about what to do with him! Thanks
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2009 on Flashback Friday: S'more Mr. Campy at Cosmo Cricket
1 reply
Thank you one millon times!!! I'm doing my happy dance right now, and my mom and son don't understand my level of excitement! But I'm sure scrapbookers understand!I will let you know my fav when my treasure arrives (hopefully, I will be able to narrow it down to one). Thank you so much- I truly appreciate it! Don't mean to be obnoxious to the other commentors, but I am truly estatic about winning. Have a beautifully creative weekend everyone!
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2009 on ...the winner is at liveSPACE
Lanterns are Cuuutte! And the entire line of Sassy products is just Amazing! Well, I have been surfing the net looking for inspiration to further my procrastination of scrapbooking my boys' back to school albums (which I am SO backlogged on), but I see some Sassy alpha stamps that would be perfect to get me started! :) Thanks for being so generous with this big Sassy giveaway!
Toggle Commented Sep 18, 2009 on ...a sassy giveaway at liveSPACE