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Yes, I wish people could sense that I do not want to talk about it, especially because the perspective they have is not the whole picture. I know more about what's going on beneath the veneer than they do, but I just have to try to ignore it and trust that the universe has a plan and things will work out the way they are supposed to in the long run. It's hard. Thank you!
Love Worth Waiting For
Have you ever been in a romantic situation that inspires the well meaning people around you to continuously moan, "Give up," "You're wasting your time," or "They're just not into you!" Yet a voice deep within your otherwise-sensibly beating heart tells you that someday, against all odds, you w...
Hi Sea Turtle,
I know we haven't talked, but I have read your posts and feel a kinship with you and your situation. As RG said, we are all in the same boat with slight differences. In my case, my soulmate up and married someone half my age just to prove a point. If there was ever external evidence that I should give up hope, that should have done it. But my readings continue to be hopeful, as does the information I get from my own Guide. Sometimes people have to go off on different paths to be able to be in the right place spiritually and emotionally for it to work. If "Oldee" is still cruising dating sites, then he is not in the place where you need him to be. You can still love him and let him go at the same time. I have been working on this myself! But that doesn't mean you have to give up all hope either. Destiny is delicate, but resilient. I still believe that if it is meant to be, the opportunity will present itself again and then YOU can choose what you want.
Take care,
Love Worth Waiting For
Have you ever been in a romantic situation that inspires the well meaning people around you to continuously moan, "Give up," "You're wasting your time," or "They're just not into you!" Yet a voice deep within your otherwise-sensibly beating heart tells you that someday, against all odds, you w...
I absolutely agree that children are the most receptive. It seems that when we go to school and start socializing, that's when the ability to see the other side diminishes. I know that when I was young I had an "imaginary friend" who I played with and talked to constantly. I stopped seeing her as often when I went to elementary school. But she is my Guide, as I believe all "imaginary friends" are. That's why it makes me sad when I see parents tease or lecture their children about what they perceive as imagination. My niece used to be able to see her dead grandmother (who died long before her birth) when she was very young, and she would clap whenever she saw a picture of an angel. But once she went to school that faded as well. It is sad, really.
What's it Like to be a Teen Psychic?
Here is a story about a teenage psychic whose specialty is in seeing auras. The full interview will be on 20/20 tomorrow night. My question for all of you wonderful psychics...what was it like for you growing up with your gifts? Readers, did you have any psychic happenings as children?
Hi Fran,
Thank you! That is a wonderfully illustrative tale! SO true. I have a wise friend who reminds me to do the same thing, because even through the difficult times I have been blessed with so much. I try to remember that, and it's funny because my ability to contact my guides is so much stronger when I begin by thanking them for all their help and support. I think the CP blogs are one of those little blessings as well, because it reminds us all that we are not alone.
Predictions Update
Hi Everyone! Don't know if you've checked the Your Space section recently, but today a new reader wrote in about predictions. They said... Hi all! what a wonderful place to share experiences. I myself am anxiously waiting for predictions to come to fruition. I noticed that the last post was...
I am new at posting to this blog, but I have been a client at CP for a while and have read the blogs for some time. I am in the same exact situation as so many of us here -- waiting for a man who I believe is my destiny to come to his senses and get back on his path so that we can be together. I feel somewhat relieved that I am not the only one wondering if I am the cause of this seemingly endless delay because of my own doubt. When I get the same readings from different psychics over and over again, yet doubt the outcome, it must appear to the universe that I don't have faith. I get signs, premonitions, dreams, have active contact with my guides and with several gifted readers at CP. Yet I am impatient and doubt that everything I am told and shown will happen in its own Divine time. The difference between the external evidence and my intuition is vast and makes me question everything. So thank you all for sharing your struggles. I'd bet a lot of money (if I had it) that it helps many more people out there than you know.
Predictions Update
Hi Everyone! Don't know if you've checked the Your Space section recently, but today a new reader wrote in about predictions. They said... Hi all! what a wonderful place to share experiences. I myself am anxiously waiting for predictions to come to fruition. I noticed that the last post was...
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