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M. Tariq
Bad Mufucka
Interests: Fuckin' up any mufucka that want it!
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M. Tariq is now following E-Train-Ahijado- The Nig
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following dankweed
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following Garbageman
Jan 22, 2010
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following way2real(OriGinal)
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following Dblock75
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following VitaminB
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following Camron GunzNButta
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following That Donkey Dick Mexican
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following A Facebook User
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following digital life
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following Herrera800
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following JayPo
Jan 22, 2010
M. Tariq is now following NNL
Jan 22, 2010
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Who gives a fuck what a bitch made faggot says?
1 reply
So, since u r talking about it doesn't that make u a little sexually confused? You dumb ass fucka? oh yeah, By the way, I don't normally post on here, but I had to come out & tell you how much of a BITCH you are for talking about a cat's deceased mom. Shit like that will get you fucked up. That shows how much of a bitch u r.
1 reply
I don't know about all that, but I know who I'd like to assault! BigUp2BeGay! That's my heart y'all! I'm a personal trainer and we're going out tonight Gleason's Gym in Brooklyn. I'm going to work Jeremy Perry's (BigUp2BeGay) fat ass out! I can't wait! That fat ass is just right for the picking! As you can see from my picture on the left, I'm a fine ass trainer and I am gay as you can see by the look on my face, so unless you have something positive to say GO TO HELL!!
1 reply
I don't know about all that, but I know who I'd like to assault! BigUp2BeGay! That's my heart y'all! I'm a personal trainer and we're going out tonight Gleason's Gym in Brooklyn. I'm going to work Jeremy Perry's (BigUp2BeGay) fat ass out! I can't wait! That fat ass is just right for the picking! As you can see from my picture on the left, I'm a fine ass trainer and I am gay as you can see by the look on my face, so unless you have something positive to say GO TO HELL!!
1 reply
I am not CloFresh. Bigup2BEGAY!! I'm M. Tariq! You know who I am, BITCH! Stop playing! We still on for tonight? You and me at Gleason's Gym? I'm going to work that fat off your big ass! MMMmmm!
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I love being close to my one and only LOVE!!
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Now you're replying nicely to him! Make up your mind you delusional FUCK BOI! I have called you out once and you wanted to suck my dick, so what's next? I am LORD TARIQ!! Tha baddest Bitch this side of BROOKLYN! Yay!
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Why are you dissin' my man, when he was geniunely trying to give you props?! You are truly a mean FAT ASS BITCH that lives in his sisters basement and eats bun buns and watch Oprah and jack off to Dr. Phil! -gbr-
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What are you laughing at Fat Fuck?! Jeremy Perry ain't got no room to laugh! Should I bring out your real picture?
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You go fuk Kayo, while ST is sittin on his face lickin' yo mama's ass hole! Y'all some real bitches!!!
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You sound like da bitch!! Leave my man alone you Jamaican pussy ass, stank breath, lil dick havin', nappy ass head, titty lickin', dick suckin, hoe ass nigga!
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