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Scrapper's Edge
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This is an excellent opportunity for an outgoing, self-motivated team player to really shine in a busy business. Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2023 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
It's time for our Fourth and Final "All About Me" challenge. Share something that you're good at! Let your talent shine! Whether you choose to create a collage, journal page, scrapbook page, or something else entirely is completely up to you! Take a picture of your creation and share it in the comments below. You're also welcome to share it on our Paper Crafter's Facebook Page. We hope you've enjoyed the challenges this month. Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2023 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
This week's "All About Me" Challenge is to create something that reflects what is on your Bucket List. Whether you choose to create a collage, journal page, scrapbook page, or something else entirely is up to you! Here are some tips to get you started: Start by brainstorming ideas. Write down the things you'd like to do before you "kick the bucket." Once you have your list, decide how you would like to present them. Would a collage or scrapbook page work best? Maybe a journal page? Or perhaps something else entirely? Gather your supplies and get creative! Choose images,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2023 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Take some time to think about what you need more of in your life. Consider what would make you feel more fulfilled and content Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2023 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Are you ready to get creative and express who you are? Our first challenge of the All About Me Challenge is a great way to do just that! Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2023 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
We have a special challenge this month to encourage you to document yourself. Every week, we will have a new challenge that focuses on self-documenting. Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2023 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Completing a 30-day Creativity Challenge can be a great way to hone your skills, expand your creativity, and create something truly unique. Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2023 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
We want to help kick-start your creativity in the New Year. We're offering a fun, 30-Day Challenge! Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2022 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Besides using Card Sketches, another tip is to use patterned papers from the same line. Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2021 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Every October, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are one of many local businesses that participate in SALES FOR SURVIVORS. Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2021 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
If you remember our "Stuff my Stocking" event in December, you're sure to recognize our summertime version of it. We're calling it our "Pack my Pail" Sale. Every weekday from June 1-18 we're offering a daily special that we're announcing on Facebook and via email. Just like the Stuff my Stocking event, we have a limited supply of each daily special so we're offering them on a first-come, first-serve basis. Here are this week's specials: If you're interested in any of the items, call us at 707-445-9686 or email us at [email protected] Everything will be available for pick-up or shipping... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2021 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
To get customers used to using our website, we've recently started offering WEEKEND SALES. Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2021 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
We have been having so much fun with our Stuff my Stocking Sale. Starting December 1st, we've offered daily savings for customers. All they've had to do is call or email us and say "Stuff my Stocking." We've made announcements through email, Facebook and Instagram. TOMORROW (December 12th) is the LAST DAY to SAVE! We actually have a limited number of daily specials left: You have until MIDNIGHT on December 12th to claim any of the available days. To take advantage of these savings, you can either call 707-445-9686 or email [email protected] We really appreciate all the positive comments and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
The Scrapper’s Edge Elves have been consulting with Santa and his talented Elves to bring you special treats that you deserve. Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Distress ink pads provide the perfect colors for these Halloween slimline cards! Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
It can be a challenge to mix and match patterned papers when creating scrapbooking pages but these tips will help! Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
As part of our Virtual Crop, yesterday we had a ZOOM Conference Call where we played the "Never Have I Ever" game. It was a kick! Participants were instructed to hold up 15 objects, such as pens, pencils, paint brushes or straws. Sondra read a series of statements that started with "Never Have I Ever" and if a participant HAD done that item, they discarded one of their items. We thought we'd share the fun, craft-inspired statements: "NEVER HAVE I EVER . . ." ". . . taken price tags off items I purchased at the Craft Store so I... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Many of us crafters start our creative journey with one type of craft. We may have started scrapbooking but explored cardmaking too. We may be knitters but have dabbled in painting or jewelry making from time to time. Most of us have attempted a Home Decor project or two. So, for our last challenge of the weekend. Take a picture of a Home Decor Project that you've created and share it with us! We'll probably get some great ideas! If you're still awake, we wanted to make this last challenge of the weekend easy for you. And, we're going to... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
We've changed our routines due to the Shelter in Place Order. Instead of gathering to craft in person, we're participating in this Virtual Crop. When we are places, we're practicing social distancing. And, unfortunately we haven't been able to sit in a restaurant in nearly two months. When you're allowed to sit in a restaurant again, WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO FIRST? Share with us! We may discover a new place we need to check out. Or, we may discover we all have similar favorites and we can make a future date with one another! Our dates will have... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Have you ever gone a day without touching an envelope? Probably not! Whether you are getting your mail out of your mailbox, opening mail, or sending a handmade card . . . you probably touch an envelope each and every day. Thanks to the internet we learned a few things about envelopes that may (or may not) be interesting . . . The very first envelopes date back to 3500 to 3200 B.C., when ancient people in the Middle East molded clay coverings over coins during business transactions. Paper envelopes were invented in 2nd century B.C. China, usually to enclose... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
This is the final day of our Virtual Crop and we're thankful for everyone who is participating. What a great, appreciative group! Since we're feeling the love, we'd like to share a few quotes about thankfulness: “Before I get out of bed, I am saying thank you. I know how important it is to be thankful.” —Al Jarreau “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” —Eckhart Tolle “We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.” —Neal A. Maxwell Now that you're focussed on the positive... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Hi everyone! We just sent an email to everyone who registered for our Virtual Crop. In case you're not checking your email, we're posting the information here as well. Thanks, again, for everyone who registered for our first-ever Virtual Crop in honor of National Scrapbook Day. It's been fun to host this and connect with everyone. And, we appreciate all the kind comments. We can tell you're having fun! For our ZOOM call at 2 pm today, please prepare a little bit . . . gather 15 pens, pencils, craft sticks, straws, or something similar. We're going to play a... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Good morning and welcome to Day 3 of our Virtual Crop! Your first challenge of the day will get your creativity blooming. Simply make a paper flower or two, snap a picture, and share in the COMMENTS. Heck . . . you could even make an entire bouquet! Don't forget to fertilize . . . with a little ink or bling! : ) Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
Wow, we're wrapping up DAY 2 of our National Scrapbook Weekend Virtual Crop. Time is flying!!! Here's a Show & Tell challenge that we think you'll have a little fun with. Take a picture of something in your craft area from an unusual angle and share it in the COMMENTS. This is going to be fun! Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog
As you know, we're hosting this Virtual Crop this weekend because we cannot host classes due to COVID-19 and our State's Shelter in Place Order. We obviously miss you! Who wouldn't? What do you miss about not being able to attend Art & Craft Classes and Events? Let us know by commenting below. Thanks for joining us this weekend. Happy crafting! Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2020 at Scrapper's Edge Blog