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Thank You Laura for your words of wisdom, I too am a survivor of childhood abuse. I am very active on the prevention side. I agree with your myth-busting article.
As for me I say that one of my greatest fears as I became a mother was all the myths of victims becoming perps of abuse. Although I do not agree with this, it does strike me now (that my oldest two children are semi grown) that it created distance between my relationship with them.
For that I am sorry, and now that I have it to do all over again, I will no longer believe the lies that binded me.
Again Thank You Laura for writing a much needed article. I hope many people have the opprotunity to read it and take it in.
Six Myths About Child Abuse
By Laura Castle So many myths, both sad and dangerous surround the topic of child abuse. As a survivor, I would like to discuss some of them and the harm they can do. Myth 1. Battered children almost always become abusive parents, or end up in prison for violent crimes. In truth, a small n...
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