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NY state USA, most of the time
Dutch Christian artist, living with my husband and children in the USA, dreaming of Africa.
Interests: family, art, spirituality, Africa, life, love, travel, colors, dreaming, design, photography
Recent Activity
Dear Friends and Family, Merry Christmas! As we wrap up 2011, we would like to share our 2012 Schooling Project news with you, as well as what is happening in our lives. Josiah is currently student teaching and is only one week away from finishing his Bachelors in Elementary Education. Lilian is continuing to pursue her art work and is home with Ayanna and Gabe, who are both growing up way too fast! Our Christmas card 2011 Six years ago, we started working with orphans/fatherless children to attend primary school. Last year we began to work in a new location... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2011 at african "safari"
Some of the orphans/fatherless in Kiziba after receiving their new school uniforms and supplies. SMILES! Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2011 at african "safari"
Since our involvement in starting the Kamala Schooling Project, we have had the privilege of working with 36 children, as well as Pastor Gerald, who brought to our attention the great need to provide school funding for orphan and needy children in his community. Though primary (elementary) school is mandatory in Tanzania, children can only attend if they buy the school uniform, shoes, and come with their own school supplies. For most Tanzanians, purchasing these items is achievable, but for a growing population (orphans and street children especially), even this is too much. For five years now we have raised... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2011 at african "safari"
Our little "chunks". they LOVE eachother! Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2011 at mamaAyanna
Today, four years ago, we were in the Netherlands too. In the South, where the below photo was taken. Now we are up north, visiting. It is the day four years ago that I married the sweetest man, who turned out to be an amazing husband. Now all those years later we have two cute children, to whom he turns out to be a fun loving papa. Life is now even more in every way. more love, more work, more laughter, more fears, more blessed, It is true that time seems to go faster and faster with each year passing.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2011 at mamaAyanna
It has just been the most wonderful time of the year! Besides some stomach flu that has been passed around, we have enjoyed our stay here to the fullest. warm, cozy, loving Christmas. A winter outing in a winter landscape. Family and friends. Just simply perfect. .......If only I would get some more sleep! (little sweet Gabe;-)) Have a creative, healthy, loving, adventurous, balanced and blessed 2011 Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2011 at mamaAyanna
We arrived "back home" in the Netherlands. We arrived to a dutch winter wonderland. It is magical, it is cozy. All the frosty snow on every little branch turned the world around us WHITE. Now let this weather stay for Christmas pleeeeeaaassse!!! Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2010 at mamaAyanna
So someone commented on my last post "so how is your little prince doing?" My little prince is a big charmer! I received this message on my phone a few weeks ago and just melted. Being a mama of two is the best thing ever, I seriously LOVE it and find it easier than being a mama of one. Most likely because I just expect less from myself. So the laundry is not always done on time. The meals aren't as creative. Emails left unanswered. I do try and keep our home clean and organized, as that is where we... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2010 at mamaAyanna
We have a lovely princess dancing around our house these days. She is mama's big help and her favorite words are "Love you baby Gabe, love you". I could not be more happy...sweet daughter Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2010 at mamaAyanna
Has it really been this long? Over a month since my last post? "Oh, dear!" Ayanna would say. It has been a hectic, busy month and yet a beautiful and most precious month. Both my parents have stayed and helped us out tremendously. After my father left, my mom stayed another two weeks. She helped us transition more smoothly into life with now two children (A big blessing, a huge responsibility.) My mom worked so hard to give us as much rest and energy as she could possibly give us by taking away daily duties. SWEET sweet mama. Fall, my... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2010 at mamaAyanna
Gabe (Gah-béh) Joel was born september 21 at 1.45 am! We are in love... with him, with our little family. with our two children... (On the left Ayanna two days old on the right Gabe almost two days old...) they look alike! don't they? It was hard labor, but such a precious moment when he was born. We are at home, resting with much help of my parents and all trying to adjust to this new situation. With thankful feelings in my heart! Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2010 at mamaAyanna
Quick make some last belly pictures... labor started and will hopefully continue too! Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2010 at mamaAyanna
Waiting for my parents at the airport was fun. Ayanna called for twenty minutes "opa and oma" out very loud by the window. Then they arrived and she jumped and screamed and I have the cutest video of this... And now we have fun waiting for the baby brother. Swimming, playing, walking, celebrating birthdays that have past when we were not together, reading, singing, snuggling and lots of cups pretend tea. Her belated birthday gift is the doll house that opa handmade last time he was here and had been hidden in the basement. She loves it. It is beautiful. Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2010 at mamaAyanna
My art room has one wall that is basically getting wall papered with those inspiring things... I will post a picture soon! I have a handmade giveaway with a guestpost!
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2010 on pictures at Lovely World
1 reply
Our day away. One of Ayanna's birthday gifts (Thanks tia and tio!) was tickets to a fun park. So we took her an afternoon and evening out and she was overwhelmed, but then got brave and loved every minute... It was so exciting and yet sad to see my little baby standing in line with all the other children. Like a big girl. She is becoming a big girl! After this adventure I needed a day at home... ... to listen to piano play, finish birth announcement cards together with Josiah, watch a modern ballet performance AND... REST! Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2010 at mamaAyanna
Mama can't grow much bigger sweet baby boy! Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2010 at mamaAyanna
A plane passes by ... "Ooohh zoooeeeeefff, opa zoef, oma zoef, Ja? to Ayanna? ja?" and then she has a big smile on her face. Soon opa and oma will come "zoef" with a plane from Europe to Ayanna and she is very excited. But today is not the day. So we talked about the plane flying like a bird and I folded her a bird from a paper. When I was young someone gave me an origami book and I tried everything, loved it, but the bird (crane) I made out of every little paper I could find. Even... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2010 at mamaAyanna
Little artist big mess... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2010 at mamaAyanna
She had a fabulous second birthday. Simple, sweet, EARLY, homemade breakfast in a decorated kitchen. A birthday shirt, singing and candles. We went swimming and the senior swimming class in other pool all sang " Happy Birthday " to her. We watched a movie with Shirley Temple, while baking cake and baked beans. She wore a handmade (by oma) dress with matching dresses for her babies. (Gorgeous, will have to make some more photos soon!) Then we also had some friends over and painted faces, ran around, played, ate and sang! At night she wanted to wear her birthday pyama's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2010 at mamaAyanna
She makes us smile many times a day. She is mama's meissie and papa's girl. She is funny, caring, sweet, loving, smart, interesting, pretty, special. She loves her babies, books, dogs, cats, monkeys, dancing, singing, drawing, skyping, family, friends, parties, shopping and "pretties". She is always in for snuggling, giggling, walking, reading, tea parties, sushi, avocado, ice cream and tickling. She is our baby girl, but she is turning two years old today.... And soon she will be the big sister. We talked about how we wish we could put every face, stage, memory in a little box and keep... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2010 at mamaAyanna
When Josiah and I went on a date Ayanna was with her friends. Last night their parents went on a date and the girls stayed with us. It was a rainy night, so we spend it inside. We giggled our way through dinner... girls... Then we did some fun art and I loved seeing their character shine through in that. One was done in 5 minutes, the other fully concentrated for an hour or more. I wish I had made a photo of each of their mobiles, as they were both so artistic and unique. and Ayanna? Well, she just... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2010 at mamaAyanna
ooooohhhh. Glad to read you saying "it is just fine" I was recently telling my husband that I thought I would never be able to let my child go to camp or (like hime) boarding school... But it is good to let them go little by little. Glad she had such a great time.
Toggle Commented Aug 9, 2010 on back home at Lovely World
1 reply
As I mentioned before I have been spending much time in the house... NESTING:-) Getting the kid's room ready for two children. Washing, folding and sorting those teeny tiny baby clothes! Tackling all other little projects one at a time. I would like to see every little drawer and corner de-cluttered. I would like to see everything practical and organized. I would like to see all things done. I keep on moving things around. Pregnancy hormones are not that bad, I sure will be grateful afterwards. At the same time I have many moments that I realize this is not... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2010 at mamaAyanna
We went on date night, just Josiah and me. We had not done this, despite various offers by friends and family to watch Ayanna, in months (many). It was lovely! We did not find the sunflower fields we were looking for, We did see many deer driving through the country. One jumped right in front of the car and we thankfully missed hitting her by a second. We picked up some nice useful things on the side of the road (love America!), strolled along the canal , which always reminds me of the Netherlands with the boats and life along... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2010 at mamaAyanna
It was just another beautiful day! Starting off good with our weekly trip to the public market. Buying lots of fresh peaches, plumps, apricots, tomatoes, vegetables, meat, bread and more! LOVE it! followed by lunch, a very active baby in the belly, a nap and lady playtime... Ayanna was serving me tea and cookies wearing a very english hat. She is such a girly girl! Some playtime with her cousin, a swing in the park. Some singing and dancing, cleaning and sorting, Just another simple, yet beautiful day. Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2010 at mamaAyanna