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Andy Bromage
Recent Activity
You know there's, like, a whole world on the other side of Lake Champlain, right? Where you can canoe, eat, get an Airstream refurbished, eat, fight over environmental stuff and so much more? Well, there is. So make like Samuel de Champlain, and get crossing! In other news this week... Continue reading
Happy Earth Day, you hippies! Here's what's happening in Vermont news and politics this week. Got a newsworthy event for next week's calendar? Email by Friday to submit. Monday, April 22 At 9 a.m., the Vermont Commission on Women hosts a panel discussion on paid sick day legislation at UVM's... Continue reading
Leaders are cloistered under the ornate, marble dome. Everyone outside is anxiously awaiting the puff of white smoke that will signal consensus. No, not the election of a new pope in Vatican City — the pot bill in the Vermont Statehouse! A bill to decriminalize possession of “small” amounts of... Continue reading
Could Vermont follow the lead of Colorado and Washington and legalize marijuana? Don't bet the stash on it. But a handful of lawmakers — including senator-elect David Zuckerman (pictured) — is drafting legislation for the upcoming session to legalize, tax and regulate the green stuff. Pot reformers in Montpelier have... Continue reading
It's election week! Here's what's happening in the world of Vermont politics and news this week. Got an event you want listed in next week's calendar? Email us by Friday to submit it. Monday, November 5 It's the last day of campaigning before the big day, and the last day... Continue reading
You might think Vermont Republicans would be squarely of the Mitt Romney variety — fiscally conservative, socially moderate and extremely bland — and not at all interested in an uber-conservative culture warrior like Rick Santorum. You would be wrong. At... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2012 at Blurt: The Seven Days Staff Blog
Ed. Note: During the last week of the year, we asked our writers to reflect on the highs and lows of 2010. As a reporter, one of the easiest ways to stay abreast of local newsmakers is using Google Alerts... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2010 at Blurt: The Seven Days Staff Blog
For week eight of "Fringe Friday," we feature independent candidate for Congress, August "Gus" Jaccaci, a self-described "visionary" who wants to give U.S. Rep. Peter Welch a "two-year sabbatical." We mean no offense by "fringe." Vermont has a strong tradition... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2010 at Blurt: The Seven Days Staff Blog
"Fringe Friday" is Seven Days' weekly web series about the independent and minor party candidates running for governor, U.S. House and U.S. Senate. Each Friday we'll profile a different candidate seeking higher office in the Green Mountain State, many of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2010 at Blurt: The Seven Days Staff Blog