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This reminds me of when I am taking a shower and I am trying to read the shampoo bottle vs the conditioner. WHY don't they put that part in LARGE print?
Toggle Commented Aug 23, 2010 on Non-Toxic, Chlorine Free Bubbles at Guava Bee
1 reply
Andrea, I have never tried these for anything but tortillas, but I have three heavy metal ones from Mexico(I teach cooking) and the real secret is to line them with a cut up plastic grocery bag to prevent sticking. ~devany
1 reply is now following Tracey Ryder
Jul 24, 2010
I can't believe I missed your visit to the big island! I could have given you some food advice at least. I just found your blog through What We're Eating! If you come back... let me know! Devany Hilo, HI