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Juan de Joya
Recent Activity
Currently working on a couple of writing projects as of the moment (in addition to being a full-time student). Assessment Day is one of my earliest pieces, and remains one of my favorites. It's a piece that I've been working on since Thanksgiving, though I've had to stop since I wanted to both plot out the story properly and focus on other priorities (schoolwork+writing commitments). Regardless, here is the first portion of the short story. I'll figure out what to do with the rest of the story soon enough, so you'll probably see the entire thing on the site eventually.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at No Juan Here
I sung my heart and lungs out today. This, I think, solidifies my position as the master of Filipino-rock-and-music-from-the-90’s, if the verb “master” is defined by the action of getting really close to the microphone and humming the tunes as much as one can without prior knowledge of the song. It’s a very clever technique which makes your friends think you’re good at this sort of thing. They don’t pay too much attention, in my experience. It’s necessary for me to point out that Karaoke Videos have the worst acting I’ve seen onscreen. I couldn’t hum properly after one of... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2010 at No Juan Here
“War—what is it good for?” That is the question the popular Motown song asks, one that struck a chord with the American Public upon its release. The answer, as anyone familiar with its chorus can attest, is “absolutely nothing,” a response that is reiterated throughout the song to depict the general anger and growing distaste towards the war in Vietnam. But while Edwin Starr’s signature song remains the most notable protest song in music history, any person living in the current political climate should ask whether or not the message it conveyed carries similar weight. If the reasoning behind the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2009 at No Juan Here
I finally uploaded a lot of my old posts into this account - pretty going much going to continue doing this until almost all my old files will be online (except, perhaps, the awkward fanfiction here and there.) Incidentally, I'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman's work (practically since I stumbled upon the Sandman graphic novels in 1995), and recently finished rereading both "American Gods", "Smoke and Mirrors", and "Fragile Things" over the month of November. I would have done so in October, but that's Ray Bradbury month; "Something Wicked This Way Comes" and "From the Dust Returned" are staple... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
CASTRO CRAWL Date: October 10th, 2009 10:00AM at Downtown Berkeley BART The Castro Crawl is a day-time scavenger hunt in the Castro, followed by lunch and possible games and activities at Dolores Park. We're hoping that both Stanford Q&A and APIQ can attend so we can have one giant group picnic in the area. Staying after Dolores Park is optional, but I'm hoping that if Stanford Q&A and APIQ want to explore the city we can go around/watch a movie/have dinner together. Please bring digital cameras for taking pictures! We will provide the resource packets for the actual scavenger hunt. Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
He's on a @#@*&(&)(@!*! plane! Classic repost. Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
Another classic repost. Interesting sociocultural discourse! I knew he was made of pure evil, but I never would guess that they'd go out and put a hit on the poor guy! So I guess Kingdom Hearts does not refer to the Kingdom of Allah, after all. :"( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mickey Mouse is a soldier of satan and must die," says a Muslim cleric. MICKEY MOUSE FACING FATWA Mickey Mouse: Under Threat Tuesday September 16,2008 (source: Tom and Jerry have also incurred the wrath of Sheikh Muhammad Munajid who fears they are corrupting Islamic youth. The Saudi Arabian cleric also recently... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
Another classic repost from last year, exactly to the day. I’m trying to study for my Economics midterm right now, but it’s really hard when my mind is on the results of tonight’s elections and amendments more so than the factors affecting money demand of our economy, and the liquidity of an individual’s alternative assets; this means that I’m effectively screwed for my midterm if I don’t get my act together, and that there is an imperative need for me to get this out of my system because there are things I want to write down or point out that... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
These are real video game controllers. "...let your fingers do the walking..." The O.G. Wii Fit. Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
This is what happens when you have a bunch of paper and an itch to do some scrapbooking. Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
An old repost from the past which remains one of my favorites as well. I am not a hundred percent sure, but I think these ladies are trying to pressure Batman and Robin to finally tie the bat-knot. Frankly, that's a question that needed to be answered. He's only a "Watcher." All the good space pirate names were taken. You sure did, Superman! This deer is pure evil. EVIL! Need a Halloween costume? How about hiding behind the dead, unseeing eyes of Donald Duck? And, of for God's sake, Superman, no means NO... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
Old repost. Incidentally, we've been asked to come back at least once this semester! Weird. It's official - the Berkeley: the MusiCAL is back for a (domestic) tour de force! First performed during the Theatre Rice Spring 2009 Midsemester Show, Stimulus Package, Berkeley: the MusiCAL is the story of a Northside boy and Southside girl who, despite their friends' approval, fall for each other's charms. She is, however, an English major; he's in EECs. His classes are in Soda and Cory; hers are in Wheeler and Barrows. With so many differences distancing them, will their love overcome? Our cast is... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
Another repost from way back during my Wordpress days. I recentlyhad a quick Q&A with fellow blogger Ross Horsley, who manages My First Dictionary (, one of the more subversively humorous sites I’ve found on the net in a while. If you likelanguage as much as I do or justenjoy a good laugh (or a self-repressed chuckle), check My First Dictionary out for a your daily dose of wordage! So, Ross,tell us a little bit about yourself and My First Dictionary. I work in a library, surrounded all day by reference books, so it’s not a big leap to find... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
It’s been a rough couple of dayson this side of the Pacific – I’ve beenjumping from one place to another trying to make ends meet as UC Berkeley enters its finals week, and I’m still getting over my birthday weekend – and it’s only now that things are slowing down for yours truly that I have time to really post up my latest interview! Anamanaguchi ( an 8-bit punk band based out of New York that plays some of the most innovative sounds you’ll ever hear from a NES. I got a chance to ask their lead guitarist and programmer... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
Another repost. Man, I have a lot of these. I should have put them all on one blog, huh? Finals week at Cal is rolling along slowly, and I’m just all about ready for summer! I’ve got a checklist of things-to-buy do that I’m really excited about, and hopefully you do, too. Schoolworkaside, I decided to follow up on one of my poster’s suggestions and try to interview the Asian American Pop Culture Mag Giant Robot! They were a pleasure to talk to, and I got the chance to ask some really great questions about their mag and their own... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
Another one my reposts from my Facebook notes. This is one of my favorites, actually - I might need to follow-up on this in the near future. One of the perks of my job is that I've developed a habit of paying attention to online ads and how they're geared towards the publisher's specific target consumer. It just so happened I found this one on the side of my regular comic news website Geek-to-Geek Dating! This is like one of the best and (stereotypically) logical web apps ever! As you know, there are all these specific person-to-person dating sites... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
This is straight-up racist. Two points: #1) "You're probably the only ones we could call Asian really, since're chinese." I'm well aware that there is an issue in which some Filipinos do not consider themselves as Asian. Being Filipino myself, I really want to ask why that is, exactly? What defines a Filipino as not being Asian? Is it a physical trait? Because I'm certain there are a lot of Chinese people in central Asia who look Caucasian and yet still identify as Chinese/Asian. Is it a cultural thing? Because one's culture, regardless of what traits are comparably similar... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
(Taken from Although I doubt Marvel would ever even consider giving him the chance, the 90’s MOST overrated comic artist, often ridiculed X-Force creator Rob Liefeld has now gone on record as saying… “As the guy that Created, designed and wrote his first dozen appearances, Shatterstar is not gay. Sorry Can’t wait to someday undo this. Seems totally contrived. Shatterstar is akin to Maximus in Gladiator. He’s a warrior, a Spartan, and not a gay one.” The capital “C” on “Created” is a direct quote - hmmm, God complex? It doesn’t matter what he thought about the character as... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
Dear You, Recently I have considered purchasing a bicycle. I'd like to believe that somewhere in the world there is one made for us two. I have a vision of pedaling up to your doorstep, waiting for you to arrive. Should I buy it? It's a big investment to make, and I'm afraid of making big investments in this economic climate. There's a lot of risks involved and I don't know the rate of return that I'll be getting for it. Stock brokers and professionals have it easy; I'm just a college student who runs the risk of having his... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
On FB chat: Juan (9:55pm) yeah man, it's crazy i'm tired out every day planning events here and htere but all worth it in the end Allen (10:00pm) what sorta events? Juan oh a nutritional fundraiser a professor's dinner a city crawl that sort of thing MURDER no i'm not planning a murder. I meant it's like being murdered by events. Allen (10:02pm) oh yea sure that's totally what i got (callin 911) Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
On FB chat: Juan (9:55pm) yeah man, it's crazy i'm tired out every day planning events here and htere but all worth it in the end Allen (10:00pm) what sorta events? Juan oh a nutritional fundraiser a professor's dinner a city crawl that sort of thing MURDER no i'm not planning a murder. I meant it's like being murdered by events. Allen (10:02pm) oh yea sure that's totally what i got (callin 911) Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at 41Juan
Our Interview for Success! Workshop is open to any student on campus who is looking to get the job of their dreams! Partnering with the University of California Berkeley's Career Center, we will be playing through scenarios, deciphering interview questions and resumes, and going in-depth in tackling the big career question: how do I ace my interview, and land my dream job? Featuring Jessica Mah, CEO of, Danny Shum, Marketing Manager of AD-Village, and the UC Berkeley Career Center. Moderated by the Awards and Scholarship Committee of Phi Sigma Pi, the University of California Berkeley's Premiere National Co-Educational Honor... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here
As some of you may know, I was born and partially raised in the Philippines - my parents and extended family live around Manila, and I have (for the most part) fond memories of growing up there. I'm one among the many Filipinos/Filipino-Americans overseas who felt helpless when Typhoon Ondoy/Hurricana Ketsana struck Manila this weekend. Talk about bad timing: my grandmother fell down the stairs a few days ago, and was unconscious when rushed into the Intensive Care Unit. When the Hurricane struck, it left both my mother and my grandmother stranded in the hospital for a day. A part... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at No Juan Here