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Glenford Robinson
I am an Affiliate
Interests: I am interested in light programing, webmastering, creating great music, and chatting with friends and fans.
Recent Activity
Your music blog is now the official music blog on, a music entertainment and news site. Keep posting amazing music industry news blogs; our members and visitors are definitely reading. Thanks!
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2009 on The Steady Decline Of MySpace at hypebot
1 reply
This is definitely a good start for any recent graduate of a music productions degree.
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2009 on Help Wanted: Music Studio Assistant at hypebot
1 reply
This is very contradicting; one set of experts claimed that the music industry was moving toward the single song download trend, and now another set of experts is claiming the opposite. Who should we believe?
1 reply
Glenford Robinson is now following Zachary Quinto
Sep 5, 2009
Glenford Robinson is now following Metric
Sep 5, 2009
Glenford Robinson is now following Ryan Star
Sep 5, 2009
I am so happy that people are becoming aware of the record labels' decreasing power over the music industry. Thanks to the internet, the music industry game is now played at a level playing field. The majors no longer rule the roof. Independents are now making hay while the majors struggle to sell albums. This is good for everyone; an artist doesn't need to have a record deal to make millions any more. All an artist has to do is create great music, develop a fan base, and sell song downloads to fans from his/her website. I love it!! There are sites where artist can accomplish that. or are good choices.
Toggle Commented Sep 5, 2009 on Album Sales Continue Downward Spiral at hypebot
1 reply