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Pam Whitaker
Recent Activity
Pam Whitaker Coldwell Banker Huff & Pennink Advantage [email protected] 910.670.4216 The following chart shows all home sales in the Fayetteville, NC market reported as sold to the Fayetteville Association of Realtors year to date as of October 1, 2009. Coldwell Banker Huff & Pennink Advantage posted a 11.84% Market Share. Coldwell Banker sold more listings than all other company's in our market, the chart below represents the top 10 real estate firms in the Fayetteville market. Serious sellers list their property with a company that gets results. That company is Coldwell Banker Huff & Pennink Advantage. If you are... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2009 at Fayetteville NC Market Update