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Adam.. I really like this idea... what are your thoughts on sandwich presses? I almost bought one with a gift certificate... but I have trouble buying appliances that do things that a normal stove can do. Thoughts?
I had a similar thing happen to me on the J train when I was going to JFK to fly home for Xmas... after living in the city for 16 years I got my shit snatched for the first time.. I lost my iPhone, MacBook and a brand new in box iPad. UFFFFFFFFF.
Okay... I currently have a batch of this marinating in the fridge. I subbed in raw almonds and raw unsweetened coconut for the peanuts. I skipped the sugar. I used coconut oil for part of the EVOO. I'll let you know how it turns out!
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2010 on Steve's Chicken Skewers at BLOGHUNGRY
I'm on a sort of restrictive diet right now... i wonder if i could sub in coconut for the peanuts and lose the sugar and make it more of a savory affair? Hmmm... looks soo so so tasty!
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2010 on Steve's Chicken Skewers at BLOGHUNGRY
I adore these. Etsy is my favorite... I want to work for them so bad. Have you heard of It's like Etsy but strictly for homebaked food items and supplies.
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2009 on Celebrity Food Art Series at BLOGHUNGRY