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love living on my beach
Interests: breathing, laughter and loving my man
Recent Activity
This free ads addition will do me just fine child! _ Sylv! -- Aw Gotcha huh? Just Kiddin' I am thrilled to see you venturing out there in ad lamd Chaz. I have been around the re=earth somewhere for awhile - free floating. Wil be in SoFla till min Jan then --BACK OUT THERE AGAIN TIL LATER JAN. GLAD YOU ARE HEALING WELL AND INTO THE CRAP AGAIN. JUST GOTTA LOVE YOU TO BITS!
Oh I just fell in love. What a beautiful bundle of baby!!
Chaz- And here I sat, thinking of you in that hospital bed, arm healing. Enduring pain, and unable to do too much at all, and when I look on your blog site , what do I get, Bam, Pow! Right between the Eyes! ACTIVITY PLUAS SPME! You are just fine young man, just fine! _ Thank you, God! Chaz is baaaccckkkk! So glad!
Add 'thorough and dogged' to that winning ticket phrase!
Good God, Chaz, You are so damn cute Yes run for District 1. "Humor and genius" a winning ticket for sure!
imjustbeachy is now following Ryan Star
Sep 10, 2009
imjustbeachy is now following Ali Edwards
Sep 10, 2009