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Fawn Amber
Central Arkansas
Lover of all things pop culture.
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Well. That's just some bullshit.
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2016 on Update on Tallulah at Bye Bye, Pie!
But what about the velvet hangers? Do you love them? Did they really free up space in the closet? I covet them but I am skeptical.
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2016 on Belle Waddling at Bye Bye, Pie!
In fairness to June, I went to high school with a girl and her last name, La Croix, was pronounced La Croy. And her dad was a doctor. Although this is Arkansas, so, there's that. Superb pronunciation. We are famous for it.
Toggle Commented Sep 8, 2015 on ForgotTitle at Bye Bye, Pie!
At the office I am hyper-organized and tidy. Color-coded files, labels, bins, etc. At the home I share with a messy man and three oblivious teenagers? Please. It is a lost cause. All I can do is try to keep the crumbs and piles of ALL OF THE THINGS to a manageable level. I cannot believe that I missed the whole Delta Fawn thread and that I didn't get a single shout out. I simply must start commenting more often before you guys forget me. Am gussied up for work today because my hair was cooperating. I used to get gussied up for dates but since he put a ring on it, this is as exciting as it gets. It's a Thursday and I am not in jeans and sneakers. Huge!
Toggle Commented Sep 3, 2015 on Here's to you, Mrs. Gardens at Bye Bye, Pie!
Shit. I missed all of this. Fawn Amber is my name. AM NOT A FLOOZY!
Gisele makes me stabby.
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I've commented enough on the other post but just had to say. I'm with JellyBean.
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Rachel and Schuester.
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I cannot believe that anyone living in today's world can say that breasts are not seen as primarily sexual. That is ridiculous and ignorant. Yes, the mouth can also be used as a sexual instrument, but to compare the mouth to a bare breast is absolutely insane. There are topless bars everywhere. Sex sells. And naked boobs = sex. Right or wrong, that is simply fact. I can't possibly put it more eloquently as Christy did. She said everything I feel and more. I guess we'll all just have to agree to disagree. But if you're whipping out your boobs in a non-discreet way near me while I'm out in public with my teenagers and you see my son looking red-faced and embarrassed, you'll be on the receiving end of a dirty look from me. You've got the right to do it, I suppose, but I also have the right to be disgusted by your lack of common courtesy. My son has rights, too, and those include not being exposed to naked breasts in a restaurant while he's going through the already awkward stages of adolescence. A waitress with an extremely short skirt or low cut top in a family friendly place will also be subject to my derision, and I am FAR, FAR from a prude.
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OK. No spoilers. Sigh. I could not live without these recaps. Like, for serious. I love you. Was I the only one cackling maniacally at the sight of pitiful DB waving at the helicopter as it left him on the mountainside? Just me? The first thing I thought of with the caves was The Descent as well and HELL NAW HELL NAW HELL NAW you wouldn't catch me going there. I have goosebumps just thinking about that shit.
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Sure. We'll just tell all the teenage boys to NOT LOOK. Obviously, anyone who said this has yet to be the parent of a teenage boy, or a girl for that matter, since my 16 year old daughter isn't so keen on seeing exposed breasts at a restaurant, or anywhere else for that matter. Once again, I have four SOLID years of breastfeeding experience under my belt and NOT ONE TIME did I show nipple in public. All of my babies have different personalities. Did they love having to be covered up? Who knows? If your baby screams and hates it, then don't do it at the table in public. God, I'm so sick of people trying to force their ideals on other people. We aren't coming into your home and telling you to cover it up. This is about public, common area. And again, I maintain, COVER IT UP.
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This whole debate makes me tired. I breastfed all four of my babies...with a cover. What is wrong with a little modesty? Those same kids I nursed myself, as teenagers today, would be completely grossed out at the sight of a baby nursing. And no matter how natural and beautiful I think it is, my thirteen year old son just shouldn't have to look at it. Just like an earlier commenter said, peeing is natural too but you don't see people dropping trou and doing it in the streets. Cover. It. UP.
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Yes! to Puck shirtless, all of the time, thanks very much. I'd love to see Nathan Lane as the guy who coached Shu, April and Bryan Ryan...that would be pretty flippin' sweet. Or Travolta!!!!!!!!!!!
Toggle Commented Jun 16, 2010 on My 'Glee' Season Two Wish-List at MamaPop™
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Me Too!!!
Toggle Commented Jun 16, 2010 on Tiffani Thiessen has a Girl at MamaPop™ Gossip
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This dress is beautiful and if I looked like her, I'd wear stuff this short every day, every where, all the time. Disagree.
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He is simply delicious. God bless you.
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Excellent picks, all. I especially loved Dan Conner. He's the kind of dad I would have loved to have had.
Toggle Commented Jun 14, 2010 on Top Five 80s TV Dads at MamaPop™
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I think she was maybe going for old glam? Maybe? But she ended up with Tammy Wynette. No.
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I believe that karma really will get my ex-husbands in the end for all the sh*t they've put me and the kids through. Also: vampires.
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OMG that is the funniest thing I've seen all day....
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OMGOMGOMG I can't waiiiitttt!!!!
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Fantastic season! Fantastic recap!! "To Sir, With Love" had me a-bawling, even though my boys rolled their eyes and made fun of me. Thanks, Snarky Amber - awesome job!
Toggle Commented Jun 9, 2010 on Gleecap - Journey at MamaPop™
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I disagree. I think incarceration is just the wake up call she needs. Throw her ass in jail for a month or two.
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Just, no.
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Just, no.
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