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Recent Activity the terrorists themselves, "America," remained vauge and abstract
BULLCRAP- those Saudi guys lived in USA for SEVEN YEARS and made friends with, ate with, went to clubs with AMERICANS- what hideous revisionism!!! willful blindness to the narrative they have created. Myth invented to substitute for truth and reality.
That first repsonders, the people who risked and lost the most, will not be invited to the charade they call memorial service is just shocking and disgusting, totally disprespectful, a slap in the face to all those who still mourn the loss of their best friends and colleagues, Those who inhaled the dust made of DEAD BODIES!! and still carry the scars of loss and grief.
Instead we will be sold more lies, see Obama campaingn with disingenuous platitudes and shill his stupid unworkable ideas, using 9-11 a a photo op.
We will not get to hear that the WAR on US was a crime justified by ISLAM , celebrated by it's adherents who still make war on us. Islam will not be allowed to be criticized or blamed so of course these same apologists must ban ALL religions (it's only fair eh?)
911 Whitewashing the War: "Never Forget" Morphs into "Forget it"
The enormous effort to whitewash 911 is deeply disturbing and more than a little offensive. The message is not "forget it." The message is, "never forget." As I was walking past Manhattan newstands this morning, I saw there, front and center, New York Magazine's special 911 double issue. The cov...
so the inmates like KSm are given access to computers or allowed to have laptops it "aid" in defending themsleves. I got couple questions about this- if they are repping themselves why do they also get a lawyer? If these lawyers have beenb proved to be smuggling illegal documents they can just as easily smuggle flash drives with who knows what on them.
And if these lawyers are pro terrorist all the questions on Holder's appointments should be fully disclosed- today creeping sharia blog informs us that these same alwyers are behind outing CIA agents!!! giving terrorist identities of their informants under dubioius reason that itis needed for their defenses- more like their MURDER- KSM staed he would cut the throats of any of themincluding these dupe lawyers-
What kind of American are we living in? I mean lawyers already have a bad rap for being unethical but really this amounts to treason. And Holder awards same with position and the so called promised "transparency" OBumbler promised-- where is it? Oh yeah for terror suspects not US citizens or CIA agents
Indefensible ............ Subversion or Treason?
Further advancing Andrew McCarthy's argument against the limp-wristed and rather hollow arguments of the wrong on the right comes today's editorial in the Wall Street Journal. The article today details the shocking extent to which white-shoe law firms have aided and abetted terrorists detained a...
Holy fuckety fuck. Speechless.
yeah ditto
it just grows worse daily
Unreal: Missile Defense Agency's New Logo Modeled After Obama's...Added Bonus: They Added The Islamic Crescent!..UPDATE: Same Company Redesigned Recovery.Gov..UPDATE II: Another DoD Agency's Obamaesque New Logo...
Totally swiped from Free Republic: Their old logo: Their New Logo: Obama's logo. Islamic Cresent: There are no words. Just disgust and outrage. I have searched, but I can't figure out exactly when this change happened. Does anyone know? It really doesn't matter when they did it, what matt...
I love many gay people and I support many of their issues BUT MADDOW is the most nausea inducing TRAITOR to USA- I saw her interview with another OBUMMER-"Jihad is our fault" fan Sarah Bernhard - the two had a real laugh fest bashing USA while praising and supporting terrorists by attempting to JUSTIFY their actions (killing Americans)
traitors should be SHOT
Bingo Breitbart!
This is so beautiful ............ Breitbart is taking no prisoners, exposing how the left is destroying America. I think I am going to weep after I pick myself up off the floor. (LMAO) TKO!
It is one thing to "DISAGREE" with your own nations's policies, it does not give the right to conduct armed resistance to it, or carry on your ojne person revolution or JIHAD---- If all of us who detest OBAMA and his policies decide to carry around grenades I am sure Ms Neapolitano would have done something.
If USA is so freaking horrid as these Muzzies say it is WHY DO THEY STAY HERE?
Texas: Two Muslims Arrested On Islamic Terrorism Charges, Incendiary device, weapons charges
Did these subversive jihadi traitors blame Israel yet? The Muslim woman arrested has “explosives and sniper training” according to the FBI, and is on the No-Fly List. Texas: 2 Muslims arrested incl No-Fly Listee, incendiary device found (video) Creeping Sharia via National Terrorism Alert Of...
Take a stand for the color! (of Geert Widlers tie)
UGH but it's GREEN a color forever RUINED by Fakestinians
“Dis is the Real PLO mafia No Fags All Green oLive Gangstas U kno how we do IF u aint Green U aint Mean,” the MySpace PLO introduction states (sic!).
Dutch Govt Funding Geert Wilders Jihad Porn: "Is the Minister aware of the movie "The Assassination of Geert Wilders"?
The latest appalling attack on Geert Wilders in the public square is jaw-dropping. Wilders' Freedom Party has posted this most disturbing and outrageous news story on their PVV website. A government funded movie about the murder of Geert Wilders. What a hellish society we are in. Click here: fi... is now following
Jan 17, 2010
FBI spokeswoman Judy Orihuela said there were no indications the incident was connected to terrorism
what she didn not say
there is an indication the incident was related to ISLAM
wake up not everyone who is mentally ill wants to kill Jews but most of the people who have the mental illness called ISLAM do!!
Muslim screaming "I want to kill all the Jews" taken off Miami flight
UPDATE:NEW Video: It's all terrible. And becoming more rabid because essentially it's OK. No one is addressing the motive, the hate, the jihad, the Islamic anti-semitism. The left is making it chic. See Andrew Sullivan. Palestinian Muslim yelling "I want to kill all the Jews" taken off Miam...
Holder says we take them to civilian court b/c they attacked civilians on 9-11 -yet he will take Cole perpetrators to Mil court b/c it was a military target
so he forgot 9-11?? reached far to figure out how to doublespeak this one ---- what is the PENTAGON??
Obama in a 2006 speech promised to take them to MILITARY COURT-- this is a travesty of justice meant to prosecute Bush admin and NOT about getting justice for the victims and their families and AMERICA
shameful disgraceful and disgusting----par for the O'Bumbler admin
Andy McCarthy: "If you kill thousands of civilians, we will give you better rights than if you attack military assets. That is dangerously irresponsible"
Andy McCarthy today: The prosecution team I led in 1995 convicted the notorious Blind Sheikh and 11 others for conspiring to wage a terrorist war that included the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and attempting (unsuccessfully) to attack New York City landmarks. Consequently, some observers s...
Is 'TREASON" a religion? how about advocating revolution, violence by gun point and killing cops? is that constitutionally protected?
In ANY CRIME the MOTIVATION for that crime is worthy of discussion, in this case ISLAM is the motive and impetus for this crime.
CAIR is continually alleging ISLAMOPHBIA yet it is not a phobia is the fear is real, credible, not fantasy or imaginary.
THE FACT IS BY PERCENTAFESof population MUSLIM suffer very little HATE CRIME. In this case they are the HATERS ands perpetrating HATE CRIMES.
THEY HID these crimes behind religion, guess which one?
shooting galleries in MOSQUES, preaching of violence and gov't overthrow deserve NO PRIVLEGES or SILENCE.
Do we still hafve freedom of the press?
seems to me every newspaper reported MADOFF as JEWISH, mentioned Judaism in the rabbi scandals in NJ, giving ammuntion to jewhaters everywhere.
ISLAM is more than relelvant in this case.
CAIR Urges Government to Keep Imam's Islamic Faith Out of Detroit Case, FBI Happily Obliges....
FBI has already cut links to CAIR, yet they help disseminate their "nothing to do with Islam" propaganda.... (Investigative Projects).....According to the complaint, Abdullah repeatedly preached a confrontational brand of Islam that advocated the spread of the religion through violent jihad. ...
IN the "I heart NY" sign picture the flag behind them is the stars and stripes desecrated with the crescent and star of the moon god? I would like to see that blown up and published!
Hmm..... seems the census is already gearing up to over-count Muslims, they sure are already over inflated with their own self importance and regularly claim more numbers than actual counts.
Only the police bothered to carry USA flags, so much for so-called AMERICAN Muslims. Just can't hide their hate for USA and love for their shithole countries of origin. If sharia land was so great why are they all here?
NYC: Raining on a Muslim Day Parade 2009
It was a sparse turnout at today's Muslim day Parade down Madison avenue. It was a very different showing from last year's hate fest (Atlas coverage of last year's parade here). It seems with the election of Obama they are in more of an operational mode (see the Census booth below). There...
well what can you expect from the same doofuses who gave ARAFAT a peace prize? not much
Obama's Embarrassing Nobel Prize
Because nothing means anything anymore. Because good is evil and evil is good. Because we live in a morally bankrupt world. Obama won what? This is embarrassing. Who's next? Bill Ayers? Stuart just pointed out this Nobel Fun Fact: This year's Nobel Peace Prize winner (Our Esteemed Preside...
since Israel is already convicted of ethnic cleansing and genocide, I say go for it for real- remove one by one every single ISLAMIC person from ISRAEL, as they have done in Gaza and MEcca and MEdina. MAke unreasonable demands like all of SINAI and GOLAN, Babylon IRAN and IRAQ are OURS b/c our holy sites are in those places. Then brick by brick remove the abomination al aqsa and throw the stones over the borders, they will make good walls.
Why in every newspaper worldwide do they repeat the LIE "third holiest shrine" it is utter bullsh*t. Repeating it does not make it any truer. Jerusalem is not in the Koran,not once. The lie is based upon an interpretaion of a DREAM of Mohammed of the farthest city. Jerusalem was never considered to be that place by MOSLEMS until they decided to destroy Israel.
The al aqsA is not in their Koran, it was PURPOSELY BUILT over the Holy Temple to prevent JEWS from rebuilding their Temple, caommanded by THEIR FAITH in their country. Under Moslem rule JEWS were forbidden there, why are any Arabs permitted to go there on JEWISH HOLIDAYS to commit CRIMES on people PRAYING??
My patience, my compassion for them is DEAD, they ar the living DEAD--->ZOMBIES not human- they cannot live with JEWS so get them OUT
Jerusalem: Muslims Stone Jews on Jewish Holiday
Muslims respecting the Jews in their special way in Jerusalem on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. And the silence by the ummah (the worldwide Muslim community) is ..... predictable and vile. From Miera in Jerusalem: The warning to stay away was not a warning but a signal to riot, that the viol...
so Dalai is too what? sensible? nice? tells the truth? this from the asshat that BOWED to the Saudi King, kissed & hugged CHAVEZ and wants to chat with AjHad,-- how can people ignore what is so obvious about this man? He hates USA and loves ALL our enemies
Obama, first president not to welcome the Nobel peace prize winner Dalai Lama to the White House
It's hard not to abominate Obama, ya know? Freedom has no greater enemy than Obama in the White House. 'Mr Obama has changed his position on Tibet since his election campaign.' In April 2008, he was joined by Hillary Clinton, then his rival for the Democratic nomination and now his Secretary of...
fool they are only guardians of PC leftist swill- pro-Israel is not PC speech anymore- O'Bumbler just sponsored the "criticism of Islam" is hate speech manifesto in the biased UN, a document not previously endorsed by any US govt.that was willing to defend& uphold the first amendment.
So KKK, NAZIS,Confederate flags= all free speech but pro-JEW, pro Israel, not so much.
Anti Chrisitanity in University_ free speech
demoting students for non MC/PC opinions- free speech
At USA universities- Your factual speech is criminal and inciteful but their hate speech is "protection of religion". Anyone remember the same "libs" found not one thing wrong with inviting AMEDINEJHAD to speak b/c "free political discourse" is educational? engenders debate? shows ALL SIDES?
Yet that same university allowed Muslims to chase Hillel out at threat of violence?
we need to coin a term for this HYPOCRISY- Horovitz has been "Wildered"
When did we adopt the Islamic Law? you know the one that says any QUESTION of ISLAM is a CRIME worthy of death, you know the one that makes evangelizing any other faith a crime worthy of DEATH?
Oh yeah. When they elected the Muslim appeaser for pres, the One they think cannot possibly be a fascist. The hypocrite left endorses shutting you up; do not dare call their beloved "O" a Hitler wanna-be. That "RIGHT" is reserved for themselves to call Bush and Cheney and YOU and ME evil fascists. They dish but cannot take it, someone needs to learn, when you throw sh*t into a fan, EXPECT BLOWBACK.
FREE SPEECH ALERT: St. Louis U. cancels speech, bans great American David Horowitz
Rotting from within. This is censorship in America. Reasonable, rational men are silenced and fascists are exalted. If I had a kid at St Louis U., I would pull him or her out AND DEMAND MY MONEY BACK. If I were an alum who contributed, I would fly out and demand action. Free men must stand up NO...
as the above person says the word apartheid applied to Israel makes my blood boil- this incredibly inaccurate epithet is NEVER once applied to EVERY ISLAMIC nation----> all of which are 100% apartheid, who all enforce gender discrimination on fully 50% percent of the population by gender, and 100% discrimination by religion- all of those 56 nations REQUIRE IDENTITY CARDS stating one's religion and enforce strict segregation. Can a non-Muslim enter Mecca? Medina? NOT on your life, but not one EU nation cries apartheid to them. Israel is full of hostile and other Arabs, dark skinned from Africa etc all with same rights. I read a wonderful article by a South African man who was there in South Africa, there's NO COMPARISON to Israel. Not wanting traitorous suicide bombers in your country is NOT RACISM and ISLAM is not a race. Palestinians are ARABS, who have less rights in all the ISLAMIC nation (that they were BORN in), than they do in ISRAEL. Israel and Jordan Arabs are the only ones with a passport from a real country, not Lebanon not Syria not Egypt give them papers or citizenships.
Open Season on Jews: European Govts Fund NGO Attempts to Arrest Israel Defense Minister Barak
Europe is doing it again. These monsters cloak themselves in Orwellian deathspeak. They are beneath contempt. They ought to prostrate themselves at the graves of the six million dead and beg their forgiveness. Corrupt pigs. The Holocaust, while it was a German initiative, was carried out by eve...
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