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Shelley Way
Recent Activity
I think I'd like raspberry the best :)
Not Your Momma's V-8
This is a sponsored review by BlogHer and V8 V-Fusion + Tea. First, a confession: I don’t like tomatoes. Growing up, we always had V-8 in the fridge, the original V-8 in the can, and I never drank even a sip of the stuff. My mom and sister both regularly enjoyed the traditional V-8 to get extr...
I've never even heard of household goop! Will definitely be looking for some. Your tiered plates are so cute!!
The Best Adhesive Ever
This week I have found my newest crafting supply. I have come upon the best adhesive ever. It is called Household Goop. It will stick to most anything and so far has work like a charm in my two latest projects. The last couple of weekends have been beautiful here in Kansas and that means ga...
Shelley Way is now following MarytheKay
Apr 27, 2010
I have the same problem as Donna S. My Viking is from a garage sale and is probably 25+ years old. It works beautifully for anything I've tried to sew with it, but...
I have the feed dogs lowered. I've tried different tensions and rethreading multiple times, but when I try to move the fabric it doesn't move at ALL, even when I'm pulling with all my arm strength. I even had my strong teenagers try and it still won't budge. I really hope you can help :)
On the Road to Spring quilt-along (week five: machine quilting)
Are you ready to get started with machine-quilting? If so, great! If not, don't worry about getting behind. A quilt is supposed to be a fun, relaxing project, not a chore. Take your time and do it when you can. This step will probably be your most time consuming. If you get tired of mach...
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