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Timm Higgins
Molalla, OR
Father, Chef, Writer Of Things. Sarcasm is just another service I provide. Do Not Bend.
Interests: SSFC, Real Madrid CF, Chelsea FC, Writing, Cooking Things, Movies, The Dresden Files, Tom Clancy, Cherie Priest.
Recent Activity
Author Notes: This was orginally posted on May 28th 2010, while I was still working at Scratch in Lake Oswego. Even in writing sometimes youv'e got to improvise and adapt to a run away hero, and how to stop he/she, space to write - a quiet space even. On Wednesday I talked about the fact we smoke Feta in house. Here it is in all it's glory. Old Ricotta tub? Check. Hole cut in lid? Check. One PolyScience Hand-Held Smoker? Check. With limited space in the restaurant we are constantly finding new way's to adapt and improvise in our surroundings.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Kevin Smith posted this little note and picture on his Facebook Page this morning. THE BEGINNING OF THE END 20 years ago today, we started shooting CLERKS. 20 years later, with no plan or provocation, I jumped out of bed at 4:20 this morning and started writing CLERKS III. It's been like hanging out with old friends. And after 2 hours of tapping the keys and giggling, I have come to a conclusion... CLERKS III will be the best film I'll ever make. Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2013 at Prix Fixe
While I'm still waiting for my Deadpool movie, I'm thinking this game might fill the gap for a while. Just released to day - h/t to Deadpool: The Game's Juvenile But Awesome Trailer by ign Pretty badass if you ask me. Now I've admited before Iron Man and Green Lantern are my jam -- I do have a major soft spot for The Merc With The Mouth. It was a tradgedy what they did to him in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and for me Ryan Reynolds was the perfect cast for Deadpool. Needless to say I'm jacked for this game. Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Editors Note: This was orginally posted in May of 2009 - the second ever post to Prix Fixe. While I know it's not summer, this can be used at any time. The is out here in Molalla - and got lost thinking about Spring and Summer, and the grilling to be had... Anyways, please enjoy! -TD Ok, so you might want to get your inner 7 year-old to quit snickering.... It was about this time last year, when I was pondering what I was going to do next. There wasn't a lot on the radio job front in Oregon, and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2013 at Prix Fixe
I know I promised by now that I'd have started the first of three parts on a wrap up of Portland Comic-Con put on by Wizard World over the weekend. I'm getting to it, but getting some post Con crud - it's been a struggle just to pay attention. Plus I took more pictures than I had realized, so going through them is a bitch (but well worth it). So with that said, I'm actually looking at next week for that. Don't worry I'll still be posting Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you'd like to see something covered here, please... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Welcome to where I rant about people who are trying to condemn Seth McFarlane - I call it bullshit. Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Usually this would be my #FridayFlash post with Part 2 of "Season Of The Witch". I fell short on that by a bit forgetting I had other commitments this week. Usually I spend Thursday, editing and revising - and only got a page edited. So either I'll past Part 2 & 3 of "Season Of The Witch" next week, or I'll resume the normal posting schedule. On too the cool stuff, as the title reads. Portland Comic-Con starts today and runs through Sunday evening. I'll be there all three days and will be re-capping the three day geek-out on Tuesday,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2013 at Prix Fixe
It's award season time, and no I'm not talking about the Oscars. Talking about the James Beard Foundation Awards. Several notable names from Portland are up for awards Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2013 at Prix Fixe
New visual shiny's from Star Trek: Into The Darkness. There are no spoilers at all. Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2013 at Prix Fixe
PART I Essentially all humans have the capacity for magic in one form or another. The onset of the manifesting magic comes in a endless variety ways, no one person has the same experience. Merlin (yes, that one) came up with the theory that during puberty emotions are running high as the body goes through it’s changes, helping along the manifestation of the dormant magic. Talk about a double whammy. Magic is run on emotional energy and the raw will of the user. What happens during that time is a deeply personal thing. Like me, most magic users don’t talk... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Extreme Four Square is here! Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Taking care of some cosmetic stuff around the blog, I also talk about Hollywood Undead and the upcoming Portland Comic Con. Which I will be documenting for the blog. Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Private Investigator Alistair Shepperd finds himself face to face with his first Vampire. Is Shepperd going to be able get out of this alive, or is his career as a gumshoe going to come to a quick halt? Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2013 at Prix Fixe
“Pigskin pt 2” “If you give me the information I seek, the less it will hurt” the Vamp said, with a slight Slavic accent. “You lie to me, and I’ll skin you alive, then I will feast.” Just the thought of it made my stomach twist in knots; I could taste the bile rising in the back of my throat. This was my first encounter with a Vampire, and frankly I hoped my last one. “Where is the Adeptus Quadratum?” “Sorry I’m a bit rusty on dead languages, so help me out here.” “Don’t toy with me morsel, what is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Authors Note: Better late than never... “Pigskin” The sickly sweet scent of blood and dust assaulted my nostrils as my world started coming back to me. The pain behind my eyeballs kept me from moving too quickly. I slowly tried to open my eyes. When I did, it was nothing but blackness. I could feel something binding my wrists and legs to what I would have to guess was a chair. That dusty sent was coming from the burlap sack that had been put over my head. Where the blood was coming from I wasn’t sure, though I had a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2013 at Prix Fixe
If you've read my "About The Author Page" you sort of get an idea of who I am. But I figured I'd post 50 things you might have not known about me. At some point I may expand it to 100. And we're off.... 01. Jessica Simpson touched my arse. 02. Attended a open tryout for the Atlanta Braves (they had their quota of fatass catchers.) 03. I'm a huge baseball and soccer fan. 04. Used to blog about the Atlanta Braves & Seattle Mariners. 05. Got see Game 6 of the NLCS in 1996. 06. Watched my Dad touch... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2013 at Prix Fixe
(Authors Note: This was originally posted in 2009) One of the staples hanging out in either my refrigerator or freezer is your basic tomato sauce. Known as a mother sauce, while not completely 'classical'. But it's still a mother sauce, even though tomatoes haven't been around as long as the other sauces that Escoffier came up with. During his time, tomatoes were considered poisonous, it's a member of the night shade family. From tomato you can make myriad of sauces like, Creole, pizza sauce or whatever you decide to do with it. It is a vehicle after all, that's why... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Timm Higgins is now following Account Deleted
Jan 18, 2013
Alistair Sheppard, is a private investigator that runs Fallen Angel Investigations. It would be a understatement that he's not your run of the mill gumshoe. He takes care of your worst nightmare, things that go bump in the night. You're welcome. Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2013 at Prix Fixe
I used to hate e-readers (most likely because I didn't have one) other than that I fancied myself a book snob of epic porportions. Still to this day, I love the smell, look and feel of a book in my hands. Someday I may purchase one, I guess at the end of the day a book is a book whether it's electronically delivered or I can hold it in my own two hands, the feeling of paper texture. Now, before I go any further - people are busy. I get that. But please bare with me on this. One thing... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2013 at Prix Fixe
ETA: I'm going to pin this post to the top for the time being. They say that three times is a charm, and I'm hoping it will. I've decided to re-lauch PrixFixe-Online with the new year. I've made some choices, going to be taking some leaps. Not to mention this blog keeps me writing which is never a bad thing. PFO was food/career focused only. I've decided to go with an open format. I'll still talk about food and what not because that's my profession. I'm out of work for the time being, so I'll be writing about finding a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2013 at Prix Fixe
Timm Higgins is now following A Beautiful Mess
May 18, 2012
At first I was going to not post this, and then my inner 7 year-old took over my brain. In which I giggled a lot (you can do that if your innner 7 year-old takes over). So the guys over at Epic Meal Time have come up with a new product - that only they could come up with. I present to you, Whisky Dick Lube. It's just what it sounds like. So yeah, there's that. Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2012 at Prix Fixe
As I sit here writing this, it's been 9 months since Orion closed, longer than we were open. I've honestly lost track of how many resumes I've sent out. I've joked about the fact I've been "carpet bombing" my resume. If we're being honest, I haven't lost track. As it stands, out of the over 30 resumes I've sent out I've netted: 2 stages 2 interview's 0 jobs That #3 item is what I like to call a fivefingered junkpunch. I don't want to jinx it, but I've got another interview coming up on Thursday morning - at a place... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2012 at Prix Fixe