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Thanks to Bill Chapman for pointing out that English is not the World's lingua franca.
Esperanto is an interesting phenomenon. Their new online course has 125 000 hits per day and Esperanto Wikipedia enjoys 400 000 hits per day. That can't be bad :)
"In Praise of American English"
Patrick West: Why can’t the cheese-eating surrender monkeys live up to their name and do just that: admit that they’ve lost the linguistic war to the English? This, alas, isn’t the true state of affairs. France is losing a linguistic war not to the language spoken in its native country, but to ...
live in London and if anyone says to me “everyone speaks English” my answer is “Listen and look around you”. If people in London do not speak English then the whole question of a global language is completely open.
The promulgation of English as the world’s “lingua franca” is impractical and linguistically undemocratic. I say this as a native English speaker!
Impractical because communication should be for all and not only for an educational or political elite. That is how English is used internationally at the moment.
Undemocratic because minority languages are under attack worldwide due to the encroachment of majority ethnic languages. Even Mandarin Chinese is attempting to dominate as well. The long-term solution must be found and a non-national language, which places all ethnic languages on an equal footing is essential.
As a native English speaker, my vote is for Esperanto :)
Your readers may be interested in seeing Professor Piron was a former translator with the United Nations
The Esperanto online course has 125 000 hits per day and Esperanto Wikipedia enjoys 400 000 hits per day. That can't be bad :)
STP will only happen if it has a regulatory mandate
I didn’t mean to make this a series of articles, but it has become one. After discussing TQM and BPR, then getting into STP, today it is the turn of ISO. It’s not actually me having a pop at ISO, but the fact that discussions have been on-going about STP for so long, and now I know why it’s not ...
Good to see the progress of Esperanto.
During a short period of 125 years Esperanto is now in the top 100 languages, out of 6,800 worldwide. It is the 22nd most used language in Wikipedia, ahead of Danish and Arabic. It is a language choice of, Skype, Firefox, Ubuntu and Facebook and Google translate recently added to its prestigious list of 64 languages.
Native Esperanto speakers, (people who have used the language from birth), include World Chess Champion Susan Polger, Ulrich Brandenberg the new German Ambassador to and Nobel Laureate Daniel Bovet. Financier George Soros learnt Esperanto as a child.
Esperanto is a living language - see
Their online course has 125 000 hits per day and Esperanto Wikipedia enjoys 400 000 hits per day. That can't be bad :)
Google adds Esperanto as its 64th machine translatable language
Esperanto isn't just something Microsoft uses to tease Google for abandoning video codecs, it's a legitimate, manufactured language. Created in the late 1800's by Dr. Ludwig L. Zamenhof, Esperanto was designed to be an easy to learn language that would help folks from all over the world underst...
English is not a "true world language either"
I live in London and if anyone says to me “everyone speaks English” my answer is “Listen and look around you”. If people in London do not speak English then the whole question of a global language is completely open.
The promulgation of English as the world’s “lingua franca” is impractical and linguistically undemocratic. I say this as a native English speaker!
Impractical because communication should be for all and not only for an educational or political elite. That is how English is used internationally at the moment.
Undemocratic because minority languages are under attack worldwide due to the encroachment of majority ethnic languages. Even Mandarin Chinese is attempting to dominate as well. The long-term solution must be found and a non-national language, which places all ethnic languages on an equal footing is essential.
As a native English speaker, my vote is for Esperanto :)
Your readers may be interested in seeing Professor Piron was a former translator with the United Nations
The new online course has 125 000 hits per day and Esperanto Wikipedia enjoys 400 000 hits per day. That can't be bad :)
Which is the most useful foreign language to learn?
"As long as China keeps the character-based system—which will probably be a long time, thanks to cultural attachment and practical concerns alike—Chinese is very unlikely to become a true world language" The Economist magazine is running a series of articles and taking an online poll about whic...
Adult Learners' Week always provides an excellent opportunity to think about learning a new language.
The Esperanto Association has launched a course for beginners which I think provides an excellent springboard to the learning of many languages.
I hope your readers may be interested :)
You can see this at
Adult Learners' Week ideas forum Login... >...
Adult Learners' Week ideas forum Login... >
Adult Learners' Week always provides an excellent opportunity to think about learning a new language.
The Esperanto Association has launched a course for beginners which I think provides an excellent springboard to the learning of many languages.
I hope your readers may be interested :)
You can see this at
FREE Adult Learners Week events!
Adult Learners Week is nearly upon us and the Welsh for Adults Centre will be celebrating in style with many FREE events for you to attend! We will be hosting our free Cymraeg Over a Cuppa events in various locations throughout the Vale of Glamorgan starting from the 18th of May. These events a... is now following hjgjhghoiugvoigyiugy
Jul 17, 2010
Good idea and the only choice should be Esperanto.
See as well as
What do you think of the idea of an international...
What do you think of the idea of an international auxiliary language? By World online review Newspaper
With regard to the campaign to save endangered and dying languages, can I point to the contribution, made by the World Esperanto Association, to UNESCO's campaign.
The commitment was made, by the World Esperanto Association at the United Nations' Geneva HQ in September.
Your readers may be interested in Professor Piron was a translator with the United Nations in Geneva.
A glimpse of Esperanto can be seen at
Translations of English into Welsh- what a fuss?
Wales rightly can get passionate about rugby football and the welsh language. The world's languages are disappearing at the rate of one a fortnight. The National Assembly Commission which runs the National Assembly has been warned it could face legal action if it abandons written translations of... is now following AVATAR
May 22, 2010
As a native English speaker my vote is for Esperanto as the future global language.
The phrase "everyone speaks English" is an urban legend.
Try living in London and experience the language problem at first hand :) Its time to move forward to Esperanto.
Pardonon, sed mi ne parolas la francan lingvon
L'Union dont "l'espéranto" est l'anglais
Quentin Dickinson, mon collègue de Radio France, et moi-même venons d'être distingués par le prix Richelieu pour notre défense, "contre vents et marées, de la pratique du français dans l'environnement résolument anglophone des institutions européennes". Ce prix, décerné par l'association "Déf...
Did you know that George Soros gained his wealth through the international language Esperanto ?
Born in Hungary in 1930 as Gyorgy Schwartz, the family changed its name in 1936 to Soros, which in Esperanto means "to soar." The deliberate Esperanto name-change was an effort to protect the Jewish family from the rise of fascist rulers and the whole family spoke this language at home.
George Soros used Esperanto to defect to the West in 1946, by attending an Esperanto youth meeting in Ipswich, England.
Esperanto enabled Soros both to defect, and to become a multi-billionaire. See
Your readers may also be interested in Professor Piron was a former translator with the United Nations.
The Economist Gets Tea Parties Gregory of Yardale - While the American news media coverage of the Tea Party movement has been dominated by the likes of Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, and David Shuster giggling like 11-year-olds over the word "tea-bagger," Britain's The Economis...
I like neither na'vi nor klingon as the future global language. Especially when you have to dress up for it :D
We also need a future international language. One which is easy to learn, as well !
And that's not English! Esperanto? Certainly:)
At least Bill Shatner speaks Esperanto. Please confirm at
Avatar Blog
Why are the Na'vi blue? James Cameron answered the question in a recent interview saying he wanted there be an "otherness" to the love story between Sully's avatar and the native alien, Neytiri. Since skin color is "such a big issue on our planet," Cameron decided to use that issue as a thematic ...
I think the World now needs a modern lingua franca as well :-)
Why not decide on a neutral non-national language, taught worldwide, in all nations? As a native English speaker, I would prefer Esperanto
Your readers may be interested in
A glimpse of Esperanto can be seen at
The Politics of Pidgin English in Cameroon
By Dibussi Tande Culled from Dibussi Tande: Scribbles from the Den: Essays on Politics and Collective Memory in Cameroon. Langaa publishers. 232 pages. Available from African Books Collective, Oxford (£19.95), Michigan State University Press, and Barnes & Noble ($29.95). Although P...
With regard to the campaign to save endangered and dying languages, can I point to the contribution, made by the World Esperanto Association, to UNESCO's campaign.
The commitment was made, by the World Esperanto Association at the United Nations' Geneva HQ in September.
Your readers may be interested in Professor Piron was a translator with the United Nations in Geneva.
A glimpse of Esperanto can be seen at
Defenestration, et al.
The opportunity to use the term "defenestration" in a headline? Can't pass it up. More frightening things - from Hong Kong. Life these days. In the Multiverse. (subscription required) Can't we all just get along? No. Another one of those stories about dying languages. Except this one's got a nea...
Klingon is difficult, but Esperanto is worldwide. And easy, of course :)
As in
Also see
Back at it...maybe
You know how sometimes you suddenly notice something small about someone, something, it turns out, that bugs you? You've maybe known the person for a few months, and just now notice the thing? Like they click their teeth every time they stop to consider something, smack their lips louder than se...
As a native English speaker, I would prefer Esperanto as the future global language :)
Communciation should be for everyone, not just for an educational or political elite; that is how English is used at the moment.
Your readers may be interested in Dr Kvasnak teaches English at Florida Atlantic University.
A glimpse of Esperanto can be seen at
The Spanish government doesn't like the « linguistic minorities », what a surprise!
C'est devenu tellement habituel que je dois être l'un des derniers en Europe à m'en étonner, ce qui me vaut une réputation de Gaulois arrogant (pour rester poli). Les autorités espagnoles qui ont invité durant deux jours une cinquantaine de journalistes en poste à Bruxelles à rencontrer premi...
I think that the World needs a lingua franca as well. As a native English speaker, I would prefer Esperanto :)
Your readers may be interested in Dr Kvasnak teaches English at Florida Atlantic University.
A glimpse of Esperanto can be seen at
Timeline of language/English
Thank you to the wide wide web for bringing me this. you probably already know alot of this stuff, but since this blog is all about language/slang/words/poetry/fashion/penises...might as well post it. Pre-English Period (before 600 AD) [Top] ca. 3000 B.C. (or 6000 B.C?) Proto-Indo-European...
Please do not overestimate the position of English.
I live in London and if anyone says to me “everyone speaks English” my answer is “Listen and look around you”. If people in London do not speak English then the whole question of a global language is completely open.
The promulgation of English as the world’s “lingua franca” is impractical and linguistically undemocratic. I say this as a native English speaker!
Impractical because communication should be for all and not only for an educational or political elite. That is how English is used internationally at the moment.
Undemocratic because minority languages are under attack worldwide due to the encroachment of majority ethnic languages. Even Mandarin Chinese is attempting to dominate as well. The long-term solution must be found and a non-national language, which places all ethnic languages on an equal footing is essential.
As a native English speaker, my vote is for Esperanto :)
Your readers may be interested in seeing Professor Piron was a former translator with the United Nations
A glimpse of the global language,Esperanto, can be seen at
We may laugh at hotel notices like "Our wines leave you nothing to hope for" (Switzerland) or "Please leave your values at the front desk" (France), but Britain is more closely linked to Europe than many people realise. The country's mother tongue is fast becoming the universal foreign langu...
According to the Forbes Rich List, George Soros is now the 28th most wealthy man in the World.
However Soros would not be a multi-billionaire if it were not for the international language Esperanto.
Born in Hungary in 1930 as Gyorgy Schwartz, the family changed its name in 1936 to Soros, which in Esperanto means "to soar." The deliberate Esperanto name-change was an effort to protect the Jewish family from the rise of fascist rulers and the whole family spoke this language at home.
George Soros used Esperanto to defect to the West in 1946, by attending an Esperanto youth meeting in Ipswich, England.
Esperanto enabled Soros both to defect, and to become a multi-billionaire.
Your readers may also be interested in Professor Piron was a former translator with the United Nations
Soros: ‘the dollar is a very weak currency except all the others’
George Soros does not see what the alternative to the dollar is right now. Yes, the Chinese are making noises about moving away from the dollar. But, this is a long-term strategy. Over the short-term, the Chinese still have trillions of dollar assets. What alternatives to the dollar are there?...
A recent CNN television broadcast gave the impression that Esperanto aims to be a single global language. The comparison was with a global reserve currency, instead of the US dollar.
May I put the record straight? Esperanto intends to be an auxiliary language, or a second language for all.
Please see for confirmation.
Currency Debasement
There is a big difference between currency and money. Money is something solid, unmoving, and recognized by everyone involved in exchange as having an intrinsic value. Currency is something someone in authority (usually governments, but today a collusion between governments and private banks) de...
When one World Government comes, we will need a common international language as well.
As a native English speaker, I world prefer Esperanto.
Your readers may be interested in Professor Piron was a translator with the United Nations in Geneva.
The argument for Esperanto can be seen at
Where will Antichrist come from?-No promise not to attack Iran-Nations turning on Israel-Peace talks-Big earthquakes-One World Currency site-Why I do the thing I do for Christ-Sept. 21, 2009
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition - You can view all of my radio/video shows by clicking to the link below If you have an...
As the European Day of Languages approaches, don't forget the Esperanto language.
I've just done a Google search, and came up with 50,000,000 hits. This unique phenomenon seems to be gaining more attention :)
Your readers may be interested in the following video
A glimpse of the language can be seen at :
Learn another language for EDL European Day of Languages
***HOT OFF THE PRESS - BREAKING NEWS!!!*** Madame Bewell is going back to school to learn Spanish! How many of you would like to set yourself the challenge of learning another language for EDL European Day of Languages? Also check out this amazing "Wallwisher" created by me and inspired by my ...
If one World Government comes we will need a common international language as well.
As a native English speaker, I world prefer Esperanto.
Your readers may be interested in Professor Piron was a translator with the United Nations in Geneva.
The argument for Esperanto can be seen at
Interesting info on mandatory swine flu on phone call-A so called promise to Russia by Israel-Euro up U.S. dollar new low-America declines banks in trouble-The Psalms 83 warning signs-Peace and safety talks-Sept. 20, 2009
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition - You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show has been...
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