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4 times....? Totally jealous :p
AHHHHHHH The Calgary show last night was PERFECT!...
AHHHHHHH The Calgary show last night was PERFECT! I had such a good time, really. I was at the front at first (waited 2 hours in line!) but was pushed back eventually. But no matter, that way I was able to dance! I've seen metric 4 times in the past year haha, every time they've been in Calgary, ...
Bwahahaha, One of my best friends is mad at me...
Bwahahaha, One of my best friends is mad at me because I introduced her to Metric AFTER the Melbourne concert, pleeease come again soon so she can forgive me :p Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2009 at
Wow, it looks like some kind of painting... portait of a lady.... POSTER OF A GIRL!
No title
added you, you should have got a random message from a Casey Mc Neice
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne...
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne Metric gig, it was amazing! Really impressive, I honestly expected you to calm down and take a break, play something like Hardwire from your first album but you just kept on rocking! I've introduced Metric to all my friends and they were all incredib...
huh, well I can see your page but I can't seem to add you :S
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne...
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne Metric gig, it was amazing! Really impressive, I honestly expected you to calm down and take a break, play something like Hardwire from your first album but you just kept on rocking! I've introduced Metric to all my friends and they were all incredib...
I probably have the same privacy settings too and I dunno how to switch them off :S
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne...
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne Metric gig, it was amazing! Really impressive, I honestly expected you to calm down and take a break, play something like Hardwire from your first album but you just kept on rocking! I've introduced Metric to all my friends and they were all incredib...
yeah the gig was great :) I searched that e-mail on face-book and came up with no results though...
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne...
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne Metric gig, it was amazing! Really impressive, I honestly expected you to calm down and take a break, play something like Hardwire from your first album but you just kept on rocking! I've introduced Metric to all my friends and they were all incredib...
haha, well I porbably would have dropped my camera when everyone started jumping during Gimmie Sympathy XD
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne...
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne Metric gig, it was amazing! Really impressive, I honestly expected you to calm down and take a break, play something like Hardwire from your first album but you just kept on rocking! I've introduced Metric to all my friends and they were all incredib...
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne...
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne Metric gig, it was amazing! Really impressive, I honestly expected you to calm down and take a break, play something like Hardwire from your first album but you just kept... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2009 at
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