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4 times....? Totally jealous :p
Bwahahaha, One of my best friends is mad at me because I introduced her to Metric AFTER the Melbourne concert, pleeease come again soon so she can forgive me :p Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2009 at
Wow, it looks like some kind of painting... portait of a lady.... POSTER OF A GIRL!
Toggle Commented Oct 19, 2009 on No title at
added you, you should have got a random message from a Casey Mc Neice
huh, well I can see your page but I can't seem to add you :S
I probably have the same privacy settings too and I dunno how to switch them off :S
yeah the gig was great :) I searched that e-mail on face-book and came up with no results though...
haha, well I porbably would have dropped my camera when everyone started jumping during Gimmie Sympathy XD
Heya! I was in the front row for the Melbourne Metric gig, it was amazing! Really impressive, I honestly expected you to calm down and take a break, play something like Hardwire from your first album but you just kept... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2009 at