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Chloe ext. 9421
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Psychic Olive, What a lovely and profound experience. Sometimes our loved ones also come to us in dreams; dropping in to check up on us or send us a message. Isn't it wonderful! Happy readings, ~Chloe (9421)
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Len, Riley has some wonderful ideas. In addition, guardian angels will sometimes come to you in dreams. Often, they will visit in the form of someone who represents a person you trust but you don't actually know- such as a famous actor or a lover from your past. You will know it is your guardian angel because of the immense love and safety you feel with them. Often they will embrace you in the dream. Do a little dream work! Ask them to come to you before you go to sleep and focus on your intent. It may take some time, so be patient. Sweet Dreams! ~Chloe
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What wonderful advice! Reminding us to always be mindful of when we are giving away our power rather than thinking that our power is being taken from us! Be true to yourself and be clear of your intention. That's how we manifest our dreams! Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Thanks for sharing this Joy. ~Chloe
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2010 on Take Back Your Power! at California Psychics®
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Welcome aboard Farrah! So glad to have you. It's a wonderful thing we get to do. Happy readings! ~Chloe
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2010 on Meet Farrah! at California Psychics®
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Wonderful clip Teva. I couldn't agree more. I particularly like what you said about "not judging" what is happening. I think that's the key to learning how to stop resisting what is happening and work with it. Thank you for sharing this. Happy Holidays! ~Chloe ext. 9421
Toggle Commented Dec 25, 2009 on Don't Resist the Future at California Psychics®
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Teen crushes? Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt & John Cusack! There's nothing so wonderful as beautiful men. : ) ~Chloe (9421)
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It's always so wonderful when I can learn something new from my fellow California psychics. Being a triple Virgo myself, your insight and knowledge about the Blue Moon has explained so much! Thank you Nunu. May the day bring glorious readings to us all. ~Chloe ext. 9421
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on Full Moon Tarot at California Psychics®
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Rondalafay, This is just beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! Trust yourself, trust love and trust in your own goodness. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Happy readings everyone! ~Chloe ext. 9421
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Okay, in full disclosure I'll confess I too believe Johnny Depp is the sexiest man alive ;) and the fact that he's a Gemini isn't at all surprising. Gemini's are intriguing and exciting. They are the twins after all and completely unpredictable. This also may help explain why he's such a gifted actor- as he can always see two side of the same coin (or character) at the same time. This ability allows him to fluctuate between two different personalities, so to speak, which seems like an essential ability for any actor. Fascinating stuff! Happy readings everyone! ~Chloe (9421)
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Nunu & Miss. Krystal, I couldn't agree with you two more. It's so important to believe the things people tell you. If they tell you they don't want a commitment, you really do need to believe them. We can only accept or choose to reject what people offer us but it's so important to realize it's not a reflection of your worthiness if someone can't offer you what you want. It's simply where that person is at. Believing what they tell you is the key to empowering yourself, and it sometimes means making difficult choices. Perhaps you need to Pass on Mr.I-Don't-Know and wait for Mr.-I-Adore-You. Happy Readings Everyone!
Toggle Commented Nov 13, 2009 on Friends With Benefits at California Psychics®
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I always find the Wheel of Fortune a fascinating card. What I find most interesting about this card is it's outcome is determined by how one reacts to these sudden turn of events. Let the universe guide you. Thanks for sharing this Nunu! ~Chloe ext: 9421
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Corrine, Thanks so much for such an excellent check list! Happy readings every one!
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This is an excellent question Becky. It begins by trusting your intuition and taking note mentally everytime one of these "coincidences" occurs. As your confidence builds you won't need the "evidence" and your skills begin to improve. It's the same way you learn how to read and write or figure out math problems. The second thing to do is find the tools that speak to you. Primarily I use tarot cards, when I was girl I used the guide books that accompanied the decks and as my skills increase I no longer needed the guide book but the books gave me insight into how to interpet the cards. Other's use i ching and still others use crystals and some discover they don't need a tool to tap into their gift. You will know what tool is right for you, just explore them. Chloe, ext ~9421
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This is a wonderful piece Jesse and I couldn't agree with you more. It's interesting because I have found that the more I read tarot cards and open up to that energy, the better and more acute my gift has become over the years. The frequency of reading the cards has also openned other psychic channels in me. Like being able to recognize totems and dreams symbols that have been there all along but it took time for me to see them and understand what they meant. Thanks for the pearls of wisdom. It's a wonderful journey!
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I thought I'd just pipe in here because I have seen the show and I've really enjoyed it. The show does occationally takes some leaps but it does try to emphasize that intuition isn't just a bunch of hocus pocus. It's a combination of perception, trusting what you can see/feel underneath the surface of a person or situation, and then being able to piece it together by analysizing what it all means. Simon Baker does a wonderful job communicating that through his character and as luck would have it, he's also just beautiful man to watch : )
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2009 on The Mentalist on DVD at California Psychics®
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Thanks so much Nunu. It's wonderful to be back! Don't forget to check out the new blog I wrote about "Finding your Destiny" in the blog section. Happy readings to all!
Toggle Commented Sep 22, 2009 on Meet Our New Psychics! at California Psychics®
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