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Jimmy Brannon
Work. All work and no play makes Jimmy a very dull boy.
As a lawyer, newspaper editor, former elected city official and most importantly the father of a child who died of cancer, I have authored my first book about my son's battle with cancer to be available early 2010.
Interests: law, journalism, sports, politics, uk wildcats, and promotion of my book about my son's journey through cancer which is aimed at beginning a war to cure childhood cancer within the next decade. (apo
Recent Activity
Senator McConnell, as a long time supporter and on behalf of millions of people in Kentucky and around the country, we offer you congratulations on your victory and your likely appointment as majority leader of the U.S. Senate. As you have aptly pointed out, this position will place you in unique position to make a difference for Kentuckians and for Americans during the upcoming six years. This IS a time to redress issues which many... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2014 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
There is a special fraternity that exists for those who have lost a child. It is a fraternity that is filled with disbelief, sadness, sometimes despair, anger, resentment, and other emotions that dont easily fall within a particular classification. The event in Connecticut has touched everyone in America in different ways but the video that touched me the most was the one that showed the salt and pepper father shown next to a white van... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2012 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Missouri Senate candidate Todd Aken, the Republican Senate candidate who is under fire for his comments about rape and a woman’s body should immediately resign from the race. Aken in an interview about abortion in rape cases said: "First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy after rape] is really rare," Akin told KTVI-TV in defense of his stand that rape victims should not be allowed to access abortions. "If it's a legitimate... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2012 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
The blog's week-long poll has indicated that 57.1% favor a ban on smoking in buildings open to the public. Another 14.3 % favor such a law if there is an outdoor smoking area available, while 28.6% opposed the law. While the issue is moot for many folks such as in Lexington where there is already a smoking ordinance, other places such as in Bourbon County do not have such a rule. So the issue lives... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Friends of Gatewood Galbraith know that forcountless thousands of Kentuckians who came to admire him over the past few decades, Gatewood’s persona will not be forgotten. But it seems that the Commonwealth of Kentucky could benefit from an effort to memorialize Gatewood’s legacy in a more permanent way that honors our friend but more importantly carries forward some meaningful part of Gatewood’s legacy. Friends, family and some of those who have worked closely in Gatewood’s... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2012 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Mitt Romney, in criticizing Governor Jon Huntsman for his service of his country as Ambassador to China, has displayed the very heart of the problem we face in America today: the inability of leaders to put country first and politics to the rear. Jon Huntsman did that by serving as Ambassador to China, perhaps the most important foreign policy position other than secretary of state. Yes, he was asked to serve by Barack Obama. But... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2012 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Whether you believe that David Williams is a principled leader or a political bully, or that Steve Beshear is an adequate Governor or a political hack, one fact is for certain. With either of those candidates you will be getting more of the same kind of politics we have had in the past. Gatewood Galbraith on the other hand offers voters a candidate who is knowledgeable enough to do the job but more importantly a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
In this climate of sound bites and political back biting on both sides of the aisle in Washington, there is one candidate who exemplifies the common sense and experience that will move the nation forward in a positive way on economics and in our foreign policy. The story of Jon Hunstman for those who have'nt taken the time to look at is, is a story of accomplishments in private business and as Governor of Utah.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Ten years ago Friday, the United States invaded Afghanistan launching America on what has become likely the nation’s most prolonged ludicrous use of military force in a century or more. Following 911 armed with substantial evidence that the Taliban in Afghanistan was responsible for much of the 911 tragedy, the United States correctly begun the Afghan conflict to force the Taliban out of power and kill the terrorists responsible for 911. Few Americans disagree with... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
President Obama has done a good job in handling America's role in the matter of Egypt, Libya, Syria and the Middle East generally......What has NOT been done by the Adminisitration to the extent that it should be is to emphasize the philosophical bases for the revolts in these countries. The people of Libya and Syria must be told, and the US. President is the one person who should do it, that the war they are... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
President Obama is reportedly poised to change American policy and call for the departure of Syrian President Assad on account of his treatment of dissenters over the past few weeks in Syria. The president has been thus far on the right side of this critical movement in the Middle East and can ill afford to lose this opportunity to support those in the region who support the quest for freedom. It is a delicate balance... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Today, is the 202nd day of Obama's Presidency. 1049 troops have died in Afghanistan since Obama took office. More than 64% of the total deaths. The War In Afghanistan is costing America at least 43 billion dollars a year. Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
When the United States went to war in Afghanistan following 9/11, she did so for the right reasons: to remove the Taliban, rout out Al Qaeda and hunt down Bin Laden. For the most part the Taliban was removed from power relatively quickly and the Al Qaeda leadership was on the run very soon after American troops invaded the God forsaken land. Of course, Bin Laden was not located and killed until 2011 but he... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Nearly all political statements in recent days has been of the same old, same old. The Democrats and Obama blame Bush or now the Tea Party but havent suggested a single reform that gets at the root of the economic problems. The Republicans for their part have blindly adhered to "principles" such as the Bush tax cuts to the detriment of considering all the options on the table. Tax increases are almost never a good... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
NOTE:This blog is authored by a life-long Republican who has never voted for a Democrat in a national election. However, this blog also resists and finds completely unproductive, labels of conservative or liberal and prefers a politic which the blog refers to as a common sense politic: this week's speech by President Obama is not a Democrat or Republican speech. Just as President Reagan's speech at the Berlin Wall, "Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall",... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
SUPPORT PRESIDENT OBAMA ON THE RIGHT DECISION IN LIBYA President Obama, albeit with some delay, has made the right decision in using the American military to enforce a no fly zone to protect the innocent freedom fighters in Libya. The decision in some respects was a difficult one: there are the political considerations at home, the arguments over the constitutional power of the President to commit troops, the prospect of yet a third military action... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
With the acquiescence of President Barack Obama, Libyan war criminal and murderer of his own citizens, Mohammar Gadhafi, is preparing to end a democratic revolt in Libya that has seen in many cases unarmed freedom fighters killed by Gadhafi's killers. As people of Libya die fighting for democracy, the leader of the free world, Barack Obama, has voiced support for freedom fighters so long as some one else leads. France, hardly a war mongering lot,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
It is the most confounding thing in recent American history that the United States of America as the world's lone superpower, and specifically an American president, Barack Obama, who even prior to election travelled the world as a self appointed spokesman for the good and righteous stands toungue tied as millions of young people throughout the Middle East stand ready to risk their own lives in a fight for freedom. How can America stand mute... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
“MR MUBAREK, LET THESE PEOPLE RULE!” AN APPEAL TO PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA! IT IS TIME FOR THE GREAT SPOKESMAN, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA TO LEAD THE WORLD TO FREEDOM! To you Mr. President, Barack Obama, this is an appeal to seize an opportunity to win the war on terror without firing a shot. By showing the world that America stands for freedom and that the cause of liberty for which those people fight in Egypt today... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2011 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Since Barack Obama became president in January, 2009 there have been some 806 American casualties in Afghanistan compared to the 569 who died during the Bush Administration in that conflict. When the United States entered Afghanistan there were several goals chief among them was to remove the Taliban from power which has been done. Another goal was to defeat and kill Al Qaeda operatives which has been done to a significant extent. There are Al... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2010 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
Now that political junkies have sobered up from the past election cycle, it is time to review our pre-election forecasts and make some additional observations going forward. First, it appears that the blog was correct in picking the outcomes of every race forecasted with the following winners in the state and local races forecasted: Rand Paul, Ben Chandler, Sannie Overly, RJ Palmer. In Bourbon County races Foley, Ransdell, and McCarty won as did Judge Dickson... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2010 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
The next to final installment of election forecasts covers the judicial race in the 14th Judicial districts. 14th District Judge Vanessa Dickson is opposed by newcomer Stephanie Litteral. In Bourbon County, at least, this does not look like a race. Judge Dickson, who is of course from Bourbon County has been widely praised for her competence and temperament. Those feelings seem to be widespread through the other two counties in the district, Scott and Woodford... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2010 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
AN OPEN LETTER TO MY FRIENDS AND ALL CITIZENS OF PENDLETON AND HARRISON AND NICHOLAS COUNTIES Twenty four years ago, I chose Carlisle to open my law office. For the past 24 years I have practiced law in Nicholas, Bourbon, Robertson, Pendleton and Harrison Counties. I have handled literally hundreds of cases (probably thousands) during that time in every court in Nicholas County. Few if any lawyers have tried as many cases as I have... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2010 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
With all the attack ads and so forth this election it is possible to forget about the important local races on the ballot. Among those is the race for Paris Mayor and city commission. Incumbent Mayor Mike Thornton is challenged by former city commissioner Janet Patton in the Mayor’s race. There hasn’t been a lot of talk on the street about this race, which probably points to a victory for the incumbent Mayor. Thornton has... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2010 at Jimmy Brannon Blog
In Bourbon County the high-profile race is the race for county judge-executive in which incumbent Democrat Donnie Foley is opposed by Republican Tony Horn. Horn is the elected jailer who was indicted by a Bourbon County Grand Jury and at trial was given 90 days to serve in jail. In a normal climate the bet is that the incumbent judge would not have problem in the race. But Horn has a very vocal group of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2010 at Jimmy Brannon Blog