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Basia Christ
Interests: Writing, reading, traveling, volunteer work, and speaking on behalf of the rights of women and children.
Recent Activity
After donating my kidney on 11/3/10, I wanted to do more. Suzanne, my transplant coordinator, suggested I become a bone marrow donor. However, when I contacted the National Registry, I was informed that anyone over 60 cannot donate ... unless I know someone who needs one ... then I can be tested ... only for them. The only reason I was given is that there is a slight risk of an adverse reaction to the anesthesia for people "my age." I feel this is age discrimination. My new journey will start with fighting this "guideline" to allow people over 60... Continue reading
Thinking of joining a gym to get myself in shape for "the walk" on May 14, 2011 for the National Kidney Foundation! My life is it's time to get off my ... get off the couch ... and take control of my health again. I've kept the weight off, but I definitely need to "tone" my body. Still getting donations, too. I'm a little over $1,100 and still more than 50 days to go to get donations! I'm so blessed with people in my life who want to help others! Continue reading
My donations are now over $1,000. I thank every one who donated so far ... every $1 does count. I'm walking more and doing my stretching exercises every morning in order to get ready. I hope you also can find it in your heart to do this for those who live with kidney disease. To donate, please go to: Click the RED 'SPONSOR ME" BUTTON to get to my sponsorship page. Bless you. Continue reading
I just passed the $1,000 mark for donations for the National Kidney Foundation Walk on May 14, 2011. My daughters, Kirsten and Elke, put me over the top. I thank every one of the contributors so far who have sponsored me. I am overwhelmed by their support. You can also donate. I'm only asking for $1 to help for those who live with kidney disease. To donate, please go to: Click the RED 'SPONSOR ME" BUTTON to get to my sponsorship page. Bless you. Continue reading
Today, March 8, is the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day, March 8, a moment for 'every woman' to experience and convey unity. See a calendar of celebrations at Gather the Women Global Matrix; or gather at Rights of Mother Earth, I will be giving two presentations soon on my experience as a living organ donor. At the Inside Edge,, and at HealthBridge Children's Hospital, where I work. I also have reached $250 towards my goal of collecting $500 for the San Diego Kidney Walk on May 16, 2011 ( Continue reading
I just accepted the challenge of participating in the NKF's Kidney Walk. 26 Million people have chronic kidney disease and another 20 million are at risk. The Kidney Walk is a fun, inspiring, community fundraiser which calls attention to the prevention of kidney disease and the need for organ donation. It’s also an opportunity for patients, family, friends and businesses to come together to support the 26 million Americans with chronic kidney disease. The NKF's Kidney Walks are designed to help people understand the need for early detection of kidney disease. In addition to raising funds for research and help... Continue reading
Suzanne Maguire, my transplant coordinator from UCLA, called today and asked if I would like to be on the committee for UNOS ( She said I was chosen because I was a non-directed living donor within the past two years. She said the commitment was for two years. The duties are a one-a-month conference call, reading materials monthly, and twice a year meeting in Chicago for a weekend. Since I'm from Chicago, this will give me a wonderful opportunity to see my family and friends, too! Of course, I accepted immediately! This is exactly what I was praying for. An... Continue reading
Things have definitely slowed down in the past month, but I'm still pursuing the Ambassador training with One Legacy scheduled for March. And...still waiting for Laura's House to confirm I'm in the April session to become a Domestic Violence counselor. In the meantime, March is National Kidney Month so I'm going to vigorously promote the walks. Below is a Kidney Walk video to get you inspired to participate. Watch it here, and share it to spread the Kidney Walk excitement to your Facebook friends! And visit for a list of upcoming Kidney Walks all over the U.S! Take... Continue reading
I'm finally registered for the Ambassador training with OneLegacy in LA beginning in mid-March. Finally, a step forward. Something else has happened that made me decide that I can help with the "gift of life" through other avenues. A friend of mine was murdered last week by her common-in-law husband. Why? Because she left him again. He was an abuser. I say "was" because after he killed her, he shot himself leaving behind an an 11-year-old son with no parents and memories of horror. She had a restraining order against him that obviously didn't work. Today is the viewing; tomorrow... Continue reading
I haven't much to write about these days. I'm still waiting to hear from One Legacy that I've contacted several times about becoming an Ambassador. I know there the training is sometime in February and I hope to be able to register. Lata called yesterday and said she is still feeling great. She doesn't have to come to UCLA again until December, but continutes to have blood work done every two weeks at her doctor's office in Los Alamitos, NM. I'm planning a trip to NM in September with Shari and told Lata I will see her then. She, of... Continue reading
In my last entry, I was looking forward to meeting Lata and Sushil for dinner in LA last Sunday. Unfortunately, we were having a winter storm and I wasn't able to meet them. I'm hoping the next time they come for Lata's testing, we can meet. I was contacted by email today by a woman who read my story in the paper recently. She just learned her best friend needs a kidney and waned to know about donating hers. I happily told her about my experience and that I would do it again in a heartbeat. This is the second... Continue reading
I wasn't able to see Lata and Sushil today because it was pouring down rain and they weren't getting into to LA until later. We are going to try again when she has to come back to UCLA for more testing. She did, however, say she is feeling better all the time. Thank God! Continue reading
I spent Christmas in Chicago with my family and children (photo is of me and my sister, Debbie.) It snowed on Christmas Eve, adding a few more white inches to what was there already. It was 30 degrees during the day and the streets were clear. I haven't had the desire to write on the blog for a while. I finally figured out why... I waited for most of 2010 to donate a kidney; I had something to look forward to...this year...I don't know. I've been waiting for a publisher for my book that has had so many titles that... Continue reading
I went to Chicago for Christmas to see my children, Kirsten, Elke, and Thor, my sisters, Kathy and Debbie, my brother, David, their families, and my friend, Holly. I will catch up tonight on all that's been happening! Continue reading
On this rainy Sunday, I went to HealthBridge Children's Hospital as an elf as I've done for the past three years. I went to each room and distributed candy canes and red glass hearts to family members and visitors and holiday stickers to patients. My heart and prayers goes out to these families for their children to get better. I've seen many miracles in the year I've worked here. These children are truly brave as they fight to regain their lives. So if you're feeling a depressed because you don't have the money to buy gifts for the people you... Continue reading
Not too much is happening; however, I am SO HAPPY that I was not asked to be on Dr. Phil's Show. He recently had one about living organ donation. The problem with the premise of how he presented it is he had a man who needed a kidney and his brother, who didn't even want to be tested. From what I'm told (I didn't see the show, but another living organ donor did), Dr. Phil pressured the brother to give up his kidney. I can't believe he would do this. Being an organ donor is a personal decision, not something... Continue reading
I called the director of One Legacy ( and left a voice message to follow up with our meeting at the Rose Parade Donate Life float decorating on Saturday. I am extremely interested in training to become an Ambassador. I also followed up with the director of Donate Life ( that I met the same day. Finally, I'm trying to stay positive about the holidays. Although I'll be visiting my family and seeing my children in Chicago next week, presents will be sparse because of my dire financial situation. I just couldn't not go again. Last year was spent with... Continue reading
Things are really back to normal now. My energy is almost up to the level it was before my kidney donation. Work is going well and I'm looking forward to seeing my children, Kirsten, Elke, and Thor, and my sisters, Kathy and Debbie, and my brother, David ... and their families next week in Chicago for Christmas. I missed them so much last year because I couldn't afford to visit them because I was out of work. I'm so happy that I have a job at HealthBridge Children's Hospital and the operation is behind me. I spoke with Lata yesterday.... Continue reading
Yesterday was wonderful! When I arrived at the place where the Rose Parade floats are decorated, I was quickly ushered into the facility and registered at the Donate Life booth. Then I met some representatives from the group who gave me my "official" shirt. The group then received instructions on what assignments we would have. Those who have passed away will be remembered on the float with their faces. Inside the huge building, we saw the massive float with only painted canvas indicating where flowers, straw, and organic material (I was going too glue kidney beans) would be placed. I... Continue reading
Just a quick post because I'm on my way to Pasadena to help with decorating the One Legacy Rose Parade float called "Donate Life." I was asked to be an Ambassador for this group and JUMPED AT THE CHANCE! I hope through this organization I will find ways to spread the word about becoming a living organ donor and "giving the gift of life" to those who are waiting for an organ. The article about my altruistic kidney donation is in the Orange County Register today and the editor sent me the following link (I'll pick up a newspaper on... Continue reading
Not too much today except the OC Register editor did send the following link about my article that will be in the paper tomorrow: I have been contacted by One Legacy to join their Ambassador Program. One of the benefits is to help decorate their float for the Rose Parade on Saturday. Volunteers will be helping all the way through 12/31, but most of the dates were full. Continue reading
Still no word from Dr. Phil's Show about doing a show on living organ donation, however I'm keeping the faith and looking forward to Saturday when the OC Register publishes my story. Following is information about the causes of kidney disease: Chronic Kidney Disease Causes Although chronic kidney disease sometimes results from primary diseases of the kidneys, the major causes are diabetes and high blood pressure (no surprise here, especially when obesity is running rampant in the U.S., among adults AND children!) Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus cause diabetic nephropathy, which is the leading cause of kidney disease in... Continue reading
Things are getting back to normal. My energy is returning and I'm getting back to my old self. I'm still waiting to hear from different TV shows about doing a show on living organ donation. In the meantime, sharing information about how our kidneys work and why they fail may help preventing this deadly disease. Kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the U.S. Chronic kidney disease occurs from permanent loss of kidney function that happens gradually. Because the disease takes months to years to occur, this disease is preventable. It's divided into five stages (see Table... Continue reading
The OC Register photographer took photos last evening for the article that will appear in the paper on 12/11. He asked questions about the operation and why I did it. I am compelled to tell people about my positive experience as a living organ donor. I also heard from Suzanne, UCLA transplant coorindator, who said all the doctors, including the head of the transplant program, would be willing to be on Dr. Phil's Show should they decide to do one. I left a voice message for Nick from the show and hope to hear from him soon. I have faith! Continue reading
My second week back at work. I'm feeling stronger every day, but I haven't regained all my energy. I do miss my afternoon naps! This evening, the OC Register photographer will come to my home to take my photo for the article that will appear on 12/11 (Saturday). I hope as people read it, it inspires some (if not all) to consider becoming a living organ donor, or at the very least, to sign their drivers' license to be a donor. I discovered only about 13% of us do it. 'Tis the season of giving. What better way to celebrate... Continue reading