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Mar 16, 2010
Great SaaS Productivity Tools for Early Stage Startups
A review of three SaaS cloud-hosted enterprise productivity tools great for early-stage startups. Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2010 at Starting Out
The Myth of Apple/iTunes' "Perfect Integration": The Devil Went Down to the Apple Store
One of the reasons people shop at the iTunes Music Store (and purchase Apple's entire suite of products) is the fact that everything is supposedly perfectly integrated. Download the media, send it to your phone, have it on your TV, back it up, sync it, slap it up, flip it, rub it down -- oh no! Awesome, right? And as far as having the fully integrated vertical Apple experience, well -- I'm all-in. I've got the MacBook Pro, the iPhone, iTunes, the AppleTV, Time Capsule, Airport Extremes, the hair, the shoes, the make-up -- all of it. I'm pretty much... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2009 at Starting Out
Alright, this is it. New company, here we come!
Yesterday was my last day as an employee at Today is my first day working for myself. Day one, folks. Here we go. Welcome to my new blog. At some point when I've got more time, I'll delve more deeply into what this blog will be about, but here's the Hollywood version: Me and a college friend start a tech company. We're gay. And in the mostly straight-male dominated tech industry (yet in the progressive environment of Silicon Valley), I'm wondering whether our sexual orientation will have any bearing on things like pitching to VCs, recruiting, running our business,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2009 at Starting Out
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