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New Zealand
Just here to have fun.
Interests: art, knowledge, challenging myself.
Recent Activity
"fried" just made my day.
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to...
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to share. follow @faywolf and check out her new ep at
reminds me of fallout 3 for some reason LOL, those ghouls are hawtt~~ not as much as Sir ZQ though.
They could have picked out a better interviewer though >>
The facial structures here are alot different to Zach's.
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Shuggah added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Oct 7, 2009
He looks a lil sunburnt >:
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Shuggah added a favorite at
Sep 28, 2009
Shuggah added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 28, 2009
"for realsies baby" xDD
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I personally cannot say I like or dislike Zachary himself - I don't personally know him after all. But, I do enjoy his acting, and he seems like someone who's fun to hang with. He is certainly alluring, but I'm not going to judge someone (good or bad judgement) Over what I see on tv, on the internet ect.
I've got a question for you all! I've noticed that...
I've got a question for you all! I've noticed that we seem to be drawn here not just by Zach's pretty face, but also for his character and talents and other things. Yeah, yeah - eyebrows, fangs, tummy, happy trail .....whatever! Humor, kindness, intelligence and others. So my question is.....what...
Shuggah added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 25, 2009
Mate, if you have 10 dollars and Quinto has five. Quinto has more money than you.
@ Michelle B; I'm working on the pic now, I'll...
@ Michelle B; I'm working on the pic now, I'll just re-do the whole thing from scratch - as I'd enjoy seeing a bit more 'Sylar attitude' into it. Ah, I can hand you my email addy if you'd like? Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2009 at
Oh mai, did you do that pic? o: Its awesome.
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Someones in his happy place ;D
I swear I'm going to faint sooner or later with all this gasping going on xD
Shuggah is now following Zachary Quinto
Sep 24, 2009
I can attempt a whole new pic for you if you'd like. Just find the pose, work out what kinda stuff you want, ect. I promise I will take my time though. Cause I'm lazy xD
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I think that deserves a big hug. =[
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