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Dave Ancel, Ed.D.
Interests: travel, food, wine, good stories, my kids, politics, my wife, gardens, weather, solar power, out-of-doors
Recent Activity
It’s been a long while since I’ve posted commentary up to our blog. The motivation is conclusion of a major project. We've had a great opportunity to support the evolution to a more process-focused environment with a key customer. This in-depth work -- over the past 4 years -- has... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2014 at Emergent Solutions, Inc.
Dave Ancel, Ed.D. is now following John Hagel III
Apr 15, 2013
Some mixed metaphors here. The piece mostly reads as if organizations are ecosystems. Resilience has a particular meaning in biological terms -- specifically referring to the ability of system to re-establish health and balance after a disruption, not to return to a pre-existing state. Resilience in psychology suggests the human ability to recover emotionally from a shock, again, not to return to a pre-existing state. Whether an organization is a person or an ecosystem, Resilience is about health and well-being not about returning to a pre-existing state. Just thoughts.
Dave Ancel, Ed.D. is now following Andrew Hargadon
Mar 29, 2013
Dave Ancel, Ed.D. is now following Bitten Word
Jan 1, 2013
Dave Ancel, Ed.D. is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2010