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Jay Fleischman
Recent Activity
Patsy, with respect to "why hasn't this problem been solved," I think it's important for people to remember that the question may be asked as, "how can I provide a solution to this problem in a way that is more accessible to my audience, and that provides value in a new and different way from that of other content providers?"
The upshot is that there are a lot of sources for content online, but not all of it resonates with your audience. When you know your audience intimately, you can speak congruently with them.
5 Questions to Ask for Writing Great Web Content #1: What's the Problem?
Organize and simplify your Web writing by asking 5 important questions: What is the problem (pain, predicament)? Why hasn't this problem been solved? What is possible? What is different now? What should you do now? As you write your copy, you should cover each of the answers. This will ke...
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