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Suzy Migrin
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Perhaps it has something to do with their funding or license that they need to show a consistent style or rating of program? Maybe it is easier/more cost effective just to repeat shows instead of changing over programming in the middle of the night? Also I could see a 24 hour station for children being useful for sick children who need to be up in the night for breathing treatments/medicine. I know my friend relies on dvds to keep her son occupied during breathing treatments. We don't have cable but I've been amazed to see children's programming on PBS after 8pm. Shouldn't the viewers of "Word Girl" be in bed by 8?
Suzy Migrin is now following Missy
Mar 22, 2011
Maybe you could strip the apple and stain it with a green or yellow stain. That way the grain would still show but you'd have the lovely color you wanted.
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2009 on Thrifted at Chez Larsson
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