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Thank you so much for this post! I'm all new to Etsy, and will especially look into the SEO.
Oh my, did you have four children in four years?? And I thought mine came close, they're 6,4 and 0. How do you...cope?
Toggle Commented Nov 27, 2011 on Thankful at BloggingDangerously
Hi! Found you through Flickr, a fellow thrifter - yay! Love the Figgjo mug, those are very popular in Norway too. And the fabric!
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2011 on Thrifty at KissKus
1 reply
Hi, thank you for visiting me on my blog! I really like yours, so much inspiring design!
If I could choose I would have not worked for a year, and tried to write a novel!
1 reply
Oh, that looks so nice, and green. Do I spot a Norwegian chocolate bar there, the best Norwegian chocolate bar there is, actually?
Toggle Commented Dec 10, 2010 on summer retrograde at Knitting Iris
Recognize the Marius sweater! It's fantastic, isn't. A true classic. Can't believe you still have mushrooms, long gone here.
Toggle Commented Nov 9, 2010 on boughing at Knitting Iris
Excactly how I think weddings should be, it sounds like it was really special and magic.
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2010 on l & j's wedding at Knitting Iris