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Good luck Stacey! Follow your heart, enjoy your family and good luck with your new job. Enjoy sleeping in!
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2012 on Leaving at Stacey Simms Blog
Great idea. Time goes so fast - I took a day off yesterday and today it's a family day. Hope you enjoy your day!
Toggle Commented Mar 27, 2010 on time to slow down... at Velvet & Linen
1 reply
Oh I'm a big fan of painting murals. I have a water wash Tuscan Village in my dining room, grape vines over the doorway and orange blossoms in the kitchen. I love the soft pastel look of your sky. I also like the idea of masking the mural - I think I'll try that soon. Thanks again for your wonderful ideas. They are beautiful!
(ps - I should have signed in this way instead instead of the above) Anyway, I meant to ask you. Are your sheets still soft when they come off the line? I remember they smelt great but the only compromise what that they were a little scratchy. What do you think? Donna F
Toggle Commented Jan 18, 2010 on GARNET HILL PERCALE SHEETS at An Eye For Detail
1 reply
Bastille Day - July 14 - my birthday. It's a good day for fireworks!
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2010 on HAPPY BASTILLE DAY! at An Eye For Detail
1 reply
It's interesting since "blue" is the color of the year, we're seeing a lot of orange popping up - it's complementary. Will 2010 be blue and orange?
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2010 on COLOR DETAILS: ORANGE at An Eye For Detail
1 reply is now following aneyefordetail
Dec 11, 2009
Colored masking tape? I've never seen that before. If I had that in my house my daughter would confiscate that for an "art" project - or I would. I'll have to follow this colorful blog - thanks!
1 reply
Tomato Red is one of my favorite Valpars "reds". I've used it many times in kids rooms since it a true red, it's fun enough for a kid and is refreshing for adults instead of a burgundy (which can be dated) when combined with other colors. It looks good enough to eat!
Toggle Commented Sep 27, 2009 on Tomato Red at Color Buzz