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Listen up and I'll tell a story, About an artist growing old. Some would try for fame and glory, Others aren't so bold
Interests: live music, there is nothing like it! Metric, Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, Stars, and many many more....
Recent Activity
has anyone heard whether or not metric will be playing ottawa blues fest this summer? i know they have played the last couple summers so i am hoping they do again! the lineup has yet to be broadcasted to the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2011 at Metric
hahah you are asking for a lot there
where are the flashbacks?
my thoughts exactly. where? when?
Toggle Commented Apr 4, 2011 on Fantasies Flashbacks? at Metric
Rayray added a favorite at Metric
Mar 29, 2011
Rayray added a favorite at Metric
Mar 28, 2011
Rayray shared a video on YouTube at Metric
Mar 17, 2011
the cheese factor on that was extremely high
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2011 on THIS NEEDS TO BE WATCHED! !!!!... at Metric
Rayray added a favorite at Metric
Feb 10, 2011
Rayray added a favorite at Metric
Feb 8, 2011
i love metric more then life itself!!!!
1 reply
will this be mtv canada? im assuming.
Rayray added a favorite at Metric
Feb 6, 2011
Rayray added a favorite at Metric
Feb 3, 2011
every passing day i hope... i hope they take the best approach they can think of. ps if i get to meet them one day, i will die a happy person. I LOVE EVERYONE
Rayray added a favorite at Metric
Jan 29, 2011
aww well at least you appreciate it! that's what counts!
1 reply
my dad introduced me to carla bley when i was younger.. and i never looked back. I started learning piano when i was a kid because of her. she is badass.
1 reply
hahaha ^ well emily haines is gorgeous and lady gaga is a man i think we can all agree on that.
1 reply
where can i hear the 7min version of detective daughter? I've been searching, and failing.
holy shit!
hmm good question. you just lucked right out there. was it dirt cheap or what?
well i am jealous, sounds like it maynot be worth much but it's a treasure! or i could be way of and it could be worth a lot? haha either way i'm jealous.
7 min version of detective daughter? i have never heard that.