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Recent Activity is now following John Connor
Jul 17, 2011
You're doing well. Keep it up!
Lisa xx
Day 3 - 100 days
Well - 3 days in and I'm feeling good. I did another 5 mile walk back from a business meeting in Central London at the British Musuem this pm. I'm averaging 5 miles per day which can't be that bad. I'll try to get as much time speed walking as I can these first few days as I will have very lit...
Good luck Leon. you can do it!
Lisa xx
100 days project
In the last few months I've pretty much let myself go. I'm too fat, I eat and smoke too much and I'm pretty much a workaholic with little life outside of professional events. So I've decided to turn my lifestyle around in 100 days and blog about it in video and pictures. The hundred days s...
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