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Elle Sea
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Oops!! sorry posted twice! :P
1 reply
Sylar victim... That's cool!! I know it's after Halloween, but, Yes, their was at lest one Spock! *hehe* :D
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Sylar victim!! That's cool!!! *lol* I know it's after Halloween, but it is safe to say that their was at lest one Spock!! *hehe* :D
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I loved the mirrors too. It takes a lot of courage to want to look at oneself in a mirror and even more courage to actually go through with it! Go Sylar! Also, I see that Sylar is regaining his powers. What about the others? Does Matt Parkman still have Sylar in his mind? Is Nathan Petrelli still showing off/ "have" Sylar's powers? Anyways, keep up the good work!! :D
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2009 on last night's heroes. thoughts. discuss. at
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Elle Sea is now following Zachary Quinto
Oct 22, 2009
Elle Sea is now following Michelle B.
Oct 22, 2009