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Just tryed to download the new EP and it says you...
Just tryed to download the new EP and it says you need to be from the U.S. to get it! Does anyone know where else I can get it from? Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2009 at
I actually really enjoyed this venue, I loved how the security didn't care at all because they are nuts in Toronto and complete assholes usually.
But then again I was in the second row and did not leave for the bathroom or anything.
I can't believe the line up was that long!
Hamilton - the fact that it sucked wasn't your...
Hamilton - the fact that it sucked wasn't your fault!!! You guys sounded amazing. That venue was possibly the worst venue I've ever seen a show at. After waiting in line for about 40 mins to use the washroom (6 stalls in the ladies room) we then stood in line for another 40 mins to get into the b...
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