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Loren Bliss
Pacific Northwest (In permanent exile from Manhattan)
Editor/writer/photographer/explorer of the human condition
Interests: sociology, history and metaphysics -- class struggle, gender conflict and the eco-human crisis; objective analysis: iconoclasm, violation of taboos, destruction of shibboleths; indicative absurdities and grotesques; laughter and the sensuality of thinking; macrocosms and microcosms of being; in short, real life -- typically as viewed from the seemingly contradictory but ultimately consonant (and often symbiotic) perspectives of Marxism and pagan agnosticism.
Recent Activity
U.S. Votes Trump as Führer, Killing Our 248-Year-Old Republic, Imposing a 'Unified Reich' Tyrannized by Christonazi Theocracy and Neoliberal Economics
(Note: given the outcome of Tuesday's election, I consider it a blessing I am terminally ill, according to my cardiologist doomed by post-Covid complications of heart and kidney failure to die before next September -- this despite the fact I was fully inoculated. Though the I Ching, Runemal and the Marseille Tarot all predicted in January 2020 the pandemic would kill me, I began to believe by 2023 I had misread these ancient oracles, which for me have always been uncannily accurate. But in June and July of that year I was felled by Covid, abed 10 days with scorching... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
A Dialogue Prompted by Ken Wong’s Essay “On Losing ‘The Greatest Teacher Of Nonviolence In America’”; Comments on Biden's Plausibly Deniable Guarantee of Trump's Victory; Man Crippled by Political Corruption
Father Bix passionately addressing an outdoor rally for a $15 Tacoma minimum wage in 2014, the summer before he died. This was among the very last of my film photographs; (Leica M4, 90mm Elmar, Tri-X at 800 ASA in D-76). The upper three of the four images below exemplify the ecogenocidal militarism and poverty Bix courageously opposed despite decades of relentless persecution; the fourth image symbolizes the peace and justice activism to which he so fearlessly dedicated his life. TOP: the beginning of the 1967 Memorial Day police riot in New York City's Tompkins Square Park; (VT Canon, 35mm Leica... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Was the Tarot an Ancient Astronomical Calculator? Also, Eight Comment-Thread Posts from Elsewhere
AS BEFORE, I am still at work on a (very) lengthy and emotionally difficult anthology of essays and photographs, this in preparation for my death, the approach of which is radically accelerated by severe post-Covid complications that have already reduced me to an invalid, and which -- since I was fully vaccinated -- strongly suggest at least some of the vaccines given us old folks were useless pacifiers, a probability most assuredly in keeping with the genocidal intent of patriarchy and ever-more-nazified capitalism. Assuming I live so long, when I am able, I will resume "normal" blogging (and yes, I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Biden Is the Plutocrats' Most "Plausibly Deniable" Way to Ensure Trump Wins; Christonazi Victory'd Make 2nd Civil War Inevitable; 5 More Posts from Elsewhere
STILL WORKING ON updating essays, a project that has morphed into preparation of an anthology for my post-mortem beneficiaries. Nevertheless -- journalist to the end -- I spend the first hour or so of every day reading the (real) news, and when a report, analysis or disclosure moves me to do so, I post a comment on the associated thread. (Sometimes, as did the last three comments below, these get rejected, at which point the uplifted-social-finger portion of my alleged mind insists they too be published here.) ********* Major Trump trials delayed until after election Biden is merely the most... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Jen...First, thank you for all the TypePad help you've been over the years and especially for adding yourself as a follower of Dispatches; I dearly hope its relentlessly accurate reportage is not too weighty a burden on your (consciously Awen or Tao-connected?) joyousness. Secondly, please contact me (via TypePad Help if necessary) because -- compu-moron that I am -- I have some technical questions about (A)-adding an additional domain name; (B)-copyrighting the name so it can neither be co-opted or stolen after my impending post-Covid departure (which could be as early as tonight or, more likely, as late as sometime before September 2025); and (C)-combining a portfolio of photographs and an anthology of relevant essays under a single Internet-accessible cover that could also be made into a CD. (In olden times this would be a book, but its plethora of hyperlinks make the printed form impossible, or so it would seem.) (And yes, I know that dooms it to oblivion once the apocalypse kills electronic media, but such considerations seem irrelevant since the same apocalypse will probably also exterminate our species.) That said, if asking you to be my teacher and technical advisor on this square-away-my-legacy-for-my-beneficiaries project is too presumptuous and intrusive, please accept my apology. Meanwhile, know that essay you wrote on 28 February seized me by the heart, as I too started painting as a child. My best to you whatever,/ loren bliss.
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May 2, 2024
"Persecution in the Lord's Name," Plus Another Six Pointedly Provocative Posts from Websites Elsewhere
Three of the estimated 6,500 homeless persons who eke out meager livings in Tacoma and Pierce County, WA, using an outdoor faucet for bath water, 30 May 2023; the owners of the property have since gated and fenced it, specifically to deny such people access. As noted in "Christonazi Supreme Court Majority," below, the tyrannical judges will probably approve the mass arrest of all unhoused victims of capitalism, thereby providing the de facto plantations of the prison-industrial complex with an antebellum-sized supply of slaves. (Photo by Loren Bliss © 2024). ========= I AM UPDATING a 12-year-old essay so extensively, the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
If Trump and His Christonazis Make America Hate Again, Nex Benedict Is Any of Us Who Dare Resist
And It Will Not Matter to the MAHAs Whether We're Marxians or New Dealers; Male, Female, Nonbinary or LGBTQ; Caucasian or Peoples of Color; Pagan, Indigenous Traditional, Agnostic, Atheist or Spiritually Indifferent I BEGAN THIS essay as an intended contribution to the discussion thread of the World Socialist Web Site’s mostly well-done 18 March report about the Nex Benedict atrocity, but the ferocity of my reaction -- delight at the censorship-defying boldness of its disclosures, disgust at its editorial flaws, fury at yet another Christonazi outrage -- seems to have (unintentionally) invoked the Muse. Thus was I thrust into the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Trump's Embrace of Christian Theocracy Is Another of His Dreadful Moron-Magnetizing Emulations of Hitler
(NOTE: this February extra edition is prompted by two stories, each below. The first is the perplexing suppression of my reminder -- a review of historical facts -- that Trump's political embrace of Christianity is another example of how he's following Adolf Hitler's methodology for seizing power. The second reveals the national mainstream media's outrageous delay in reporting the apparent murder of a nonbinary teen at a public high school in the Christian theocracy of Oklahoma.) ********* TRUMP'S TERRIFYING ADMIRATION of Adolf Hitler and his repeated application of der Führer's methodologies of deception and subversion have become so obvious, even... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Post-JFK Betrayals Shrank Our Political Parties to Corporations Fighting Over Profits of Governance
PRESENT-DAY POLITICS make it obvious neither of the two major parties give a flying rat-fuck about majority opinion. The "Republican" (sic) Christonazi/Neoconfederate Party is fanatically waging ever-escalating warfare against a burgeoning coalition of ever-more-legitimately infuriated women, people of color, sexual minorities, social democrats and socialists. Meanwhile the so-called Republicans' post-JFK Fifth Column, the so-called "Democratic" (sic) Party, is meanwhile dead set on re-sodomizing the electorate with the most rightfully unpopular president in modern memory -- thus enabling the final slaughter of the (very) few remnants of our former pretense of "liberty and justice for all." But -- at least to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
To Die Amidst the Murder of Our Nation Is to Perish in Bottomless Hopelessness
REGULAR READERS KNOW I am slowly dying from the aftermath of Covid, which has so intensified my geriatric medical problems, my doctors told me last September I have no more than two years to live, and I suspect it will be far less than that, as I am already reduced to breathlessness merely by walking through my ground-floor apartment. But the real-world blessing implicit in such circumstances seems to far outweigh its imagined accursedness, for -- at least in my case -- it compels a self-honesty and clarity of vision more inescapably imperative (and often more unabashedly brutal) than anything... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2024 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
The Moronic Majority's Submissive Silence Is Tacit Approval of Our Species' Intensifying Extermination
Solstice Greetings: May Our Mother Earth Prevail Photo by KD ©2023 ============================================================================ MY APOLOGY FOR for my long absence. As I stated in my 14 October post, Covid fatally intensified my congestive heart failure. My atrial valve's loss of function was formerly medication-stabilized at about 10 percent but has now, thanks to Covid, skyrocketed to an 85 or 90 percent loss, which leaves me short of breath after merely walking the approximately 20 feet from one end of my apartment to the other, and which my cardiologist tells me shortens my life expectancy to no more than two years at... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Forbidden Thoughts on Taboo Topics: Are We Already Conquered by Interstellar Invaders? Was the Counterculture Our Mother Earth's Last Gesture of Defiance?
MY RECENT BOUT with Covid, 21 June to 9 July – this despite vaccination and three boosters – has robbed me of any expectation of longevity beyond the immediate present. My illness – exemplary both of “long Covid” and of “herd immunity” fulfilling its genocidal intent – has radically worsened my (hitherto-stable) congestive heart failure; the doubled and quadrupled medications so necessitated have set me on an inescapable path to kidney failure and agonizingly reactivated my decades-dormant esophageal re-flux problems. Long Covid has also permanently inflamed my osteoarthritis severely enough I am now so painfully crippled, I am often effectively... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
'Herd Immunity' Response to Covid Denounced as Modern Nazi Eugenics
(Even so, let us preface our reading by contemplating the blessings given us by our Mother Earth, whom survival commands us to defend; thus may Her radiance empower us to forever dispel the patriarchal darkness.) (Photo by KD ©2023) ================================================== ORIGINALLY I HAD intended to lead this edition of Dispatches by exposing an outrageous example of the moral imbecility that fuels gentrification -- specifically a report on how the vindictively capitalist Tacoma mayor and city council back-stabbed the municipality's lowest-income renters, with the proverbial knife a provision deliberately hidden in the deceptive wording of an alleged “tenant rights” ordinance. But... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Doorways: Nine Takes on How 'They' Killed the Back-to-the-Land Movement (a Memoir)
(That estimated reading time is for the full 12,689 words; the longest of these nine pieces, Part VIII, is 2,138 words; the shortest, Part I, is 231 words. The entire text is sectionalized to be read like a book, a part or two at a time. ) The second of two ruined A-frame dwellings at the wildly overgrown site of a wrecked and long-abandoned Back-to-the-Land commune I discovered while grouse hunting with my dog LeeRoy during a fall afternoon in 1992. The violence done to the communal structures before their abandonment and the extent to which they had already been... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Republican Legalization of Christonazi/Neoconfederate Bigotry Is a New Dred Scott Decision -- an Irrefutable Declaration of Secession with Ecogenocidal Intent
(Even so, let us preface our reading by contemplating the blessings given us by our Mother Earth, whom survival commands us to defend; thus may Her radiance empower us to forever dispel the patriarchal darkness.) Photograph by KD ©2023: from a work-in-progress, an unabashedly worshipful embrace of our environment. ****************** THROUGH NO FAULT of our own, most of us in the 99.9 Percent are unaware that white supremacists have been attacking our constitution's 14th Amendment -- which overturned the Dred Scott Decision by granting U.S. citizenship to African Americans and anyone else "born or naturalized" in the USian states or... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
We of the Ever-More-Destitute 99.9% Are Ever-More-Obviously Ruled by History's Greediest, Most Cunning Tyrants, which Ever-More-Undeniably Defines the Imperial US as Our Planet's Ultimate 'Shithole Country'
(But let us first contemplate the Mother our survival commands us to defend; may Her radiance empower us to forever dispel the patriarchal darkness.) Photograph by KD ©2023: from a work-in-progress, an unabashedly worshipful embrace of our Mother Earth. ****************** I CANNOT REMEMBER, in all the decades I've followed such matters, a more relentlessly disturbing -- and not infrequently terrifying -- outpouring of news reports, whether from within the USian imperial homeland and its European colonies or from an oft-provoked Russian Federation that appears increasingly on the brink of precisely the sort of internal chaos that could make a world-ending,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
The Bipartisan Campaign to Make America Hate Again
But First Some Unfinished Business... Here's the photo I tried to run on 31 May but couldn't due to what blog-server Typepad apologetically says was a software breakdown: from the 1967 Memorial Day Police Riot in Manhattan's Tompkins Square Park. (Photo by Loren Bliss © 1967, 2011, 2022, 2023; thanks to Publisher Scott Orr, this work was resurrected last year by an NYC art journal, BSceneZine, Volume 1, issue 9.) ****************** TO UNDERSTAND HOW “Make America Great Again” is in horrible truth a euphemism for “Make America Hate Again,” it is necessary we recognize why the New Deal was so... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
An Anxiety-Ridden Anthology of Outside Agitation
Three Utterly Terrifying News Reports Biden Shows His True (Christonazi) Colors on Abortion: This past winter, the Biden Regime appeased the far right by leveling severe charges against abortion rights defenders. Now, the activists targeted in the federal crackdown are also facing legal attacks from an anti-abortion group and Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. In addition to the federal criminal charges — which carry a sentence of 12 years in prison — Florida’s attorney general sued two of the activists for damages. Heartbeat of Miami, a “crisis pregnancy center,” is also absurdly alleging that all four activists were engaged in... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
New Cellphone-Friendly Format; New Approach; My Promise I'll No Longer Resist Writing About Politics
FIRST, MY APOLOGY FOR AN UNAPOLOGETIC CONCLUSION: As regular readers know, I have struggled for some time – years, actually – with my desire to move this blog “beyond” politics, with the explanation for my sarcasm quotes in this passage's concluding paragraph. I was motivated by the psychological nausea inflicted by the fact today’s politics are overwhelmingly those of the relentless capitalism-inflicted apocalypse, utterly hopeless and therefore infinitely depressing, a condition for which I had hoped to evolve textual and photographic antidotes for myself that would also serve those of you who regularly read this blog. But now at long... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
The Long-Promised Eulogy for My Father, the Late Donald Read Bliss
Knoxville, August 1969, the last time I would see my father alive. Negative and print damaged in the 1983 arson fire but salvaged from the rubble a year later. (Tri-X at 800 ASA; 35mm Summicron on M4 Leica.) Photo by Loren Bliss © 2023. * THOUGH MY CHILDHOOD taught me to cherish solitude for its self-healing opportunities, it was not until the extended isolation imposed by the Covid quarantine had I time enough to sort the trauma of growing up in a savagely dysfunctional family -- wounds that had remained the psychological equivalents of open sores because I never earned... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2023 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
More 'Popular Resistance' Censorship: Site Kills Dialogue on Vietnam War, Other Tyrannies Imposed by JFK Murder Coup
But First, an Essential Explanation... MY APOLOGY FOR again breaking my no-more-politics promise. As I stated on 7 November 2022, my long-term intent is to repurpose this blog into an anthology of age-appropriate autobiographical reflection and -- should the project taking shape in my mind convince me of its worthiness for print -- an effort at writing fiction, the latter a medium I abandoned after Roberta Tyson, then a Viking Press editor, damned me in my mid-20s as a presumptuous fool with no writing talent whatsoever. The reasoning behind my attempt to divorce Dispatches from Dystopia from politics is an... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2022 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Sorry; the Lies about This Lost Election Leave Me No Choice
Biden's Promised "Compromise" Is a Death Sentence for Millions FIRSTLY, BIDEN'S CONCILIATORY speech proves once again the "Democratic" (sic) Party's only true post-JFK function is slavishly serving our Masters as the Fifth Column of the "Republican" (sic) Christonazi/Neoconfederate Party. Why else would Biden the Beguiler voice the de facto unconditional surrender of pledging "compromise" with the sworn enemies of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and any other program that might benefit the 99 Percent? Secondly, note how the Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine -- the world's first privately-owned, for-profit version of Josef Goebbel's Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda -- is... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2022 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
ProPublica, PopularResistance Censors Bare Fake-Left Malice
As RSN Proved by Imposing Censorship to Protect Hillary, Most So-Called "Alternative Media" Ultimately Serve Our Masters, a Truth Affirmed by Suppression of the Following Two Comment-Thread Posts Posted 29 October 2022 on the comment thread of "An Unbelievable Story of Rape," which ProPublica billed as one of its five most popular reports ever, these remarks survived the site's ever-vigilant censors for maybe 10 seconds: THE MISSING ELEMENT in this otherwise superb job of reporting is the infinitely vicious class prejudice by which all lower-income people of any race or ethnicity are victimized in the inescapably Ayn-Randified, Prosperity-Gospel-tyrannized, existentially nazified,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2022 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
Capitalism=Nazism=Extinction; Who (or What) Is Killing Us?
W. Eugene Smith, the late world-class humanitarian photojournalist, in Seattle c. 1976. A fanatical Ansel Adams cultist had just shouted both of us down for attempting to discuss how the nation's then-skyrocketing inflation was locking lower-income people out of the technology required for professional-quality photography. The critic, an obviously wealthy white male, damned us for "attempting to politicize art" -- a nasty, morally imbecilic response that drew applause from everyone else in the room -- astounding Mr. Smith, but again confirming what I already knew to be Seattle's most definitive trait, an existential-nazi viciousness compounded by the most hateful, often... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2022 at Loren Bliss: Dispatches from Dystopia
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