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If you know your best snatch, that should be your push press goal, maybe even a little more. That's a good starting point.
2010 Goals
OK everyone...Here is your chance to become accountable for your 2010 fitness and wellness goals. We ran out of space on our white board, so I am asking you to rewrite your goals here. So, if you want a sub 5 minute Fran, a faster 5k, a double body weight back squat, to lose 10 pounds, or to g...
Give me #3 and #5, and I'll give you my time.
2010 Goals
OK everyone...Here is your chance to become accountable for your 2010 fitness and wellness goals. We ran out of space on our white board, so I am asking you to rewrite your goals here. So, if you want a sub 5 minute Fran, a faster 5k, a double body weight back squat, to lose 10 pounds, or to g...
The following is taken directly from both websites of The Blood Center of Central Texas and the Blood Bank of Alaska. I'm just going to summarize.
Whole blood donations are approximately 450 cc (1 pint). Blood plasma is replenished in 24 hours, but red cells need about 4-5 weeks for complete replacement, which is why they recommend giving only every quarter. One of the websites say: "Avoid strenuous activities such as lifting, pushing, or picking up heavy objects for at least 4 to 5 hours after giving blood. Aerobic activity should be limited for the remainder of the day of donation. Most donors can resume normal aerobic activities the day following their donation." However, when I was at the Olympic Training Center, some of the physiologist recommended that if you give blood to wait at least 3 days before resuming exercise. I don't have any evidence that's more true than the 24 hour rule, though.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sweat Angel Workout of the Day Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Post loads to comments. We are closed this weekend while hosting the CrossFit Trainer Seminar. Please visit one of our friendly CrossFit neighbors.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Caption this! Workout of the Day Maximum Sets 3 rounds: Max set of ring dips Max set of pull-ups Rest 3-5 minutes between rounds
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Jason a/k/a "Bean Dip" Workout of the Day "Annie" 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of: Double-unders Sit-ups Post time to comments. Are Humans Built To Run Long Distances? We will be hosting the CrossFit Running and Endurance Certification Nov. 7-8. Limited space is still available.
If you are attending Jason's class, or if you just want a good laugh, or if you want to know the real reason to squat, watch this:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Jason a/k/a "Bean Dip" Workout of the Day "Annie" 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of: Double-unders Sit-ups Post time to comments. Are Humans Built To Run Long Distances? We will be hosting the CrossFit Running and Endurance Certification Nov. 7-8. Limited space is still available.
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