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Terri Degenkolb
Recent Activity
A Little Honesty...
I have been quiet for far too long. But it’s been a tough year.... My mom had several unexplainable health issues that surfaced over a year ago. My husband and I wrestled with a new job opportunity that would make him happier with his work but required us to move away from our roots and all family. (We decided to stay where we are. After all, our youngest son graduates from college in May and still comes home occasionally on the weekends.) We took a long overseas vacation to visit our oldest son that chose to stay and work in... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2015 at Whimsicals Threads
APQ Podcast with Pat Sloan
Yes, yours truly is going to be a guest on the podcast with Pat Sloan today! Tune in a listen today at 4pm Eastern time! If you happen to miss it and want to listen later, I will post a link to the show tomorrow. Have a happy day! Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2014 at Whimsicals Threads
:: Round Robin Rebels - final round ::
I hope you have had a chance to read all of our blogs about our journey through this round robin quilt project. I know I've learned a thing or two from reading everyone else's thought process through each round. And don't forget to check out the article in the Feb. 2014 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting along with the additional videos at So, here we are with our final round, and this week we are all focusing on Terry's quilt "Kaleidoscope". To see what everyone else did, check out their blogs this week! Terry's quilt - round 1:... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2013 at Whimsicals Threads
Thanks Kathy! I feel like I had so little to do with the quilt yet I love that I can see each one of us in it. It is an awesome quilt that I will forever treasure!
:: Round Robin Rebels - Playing With Crayons ::
It finally came! My own copy of American Patchwork & Quilting arrived this week! Have you gotten yours yet??? I am super excited because this issue features the Round Robin Rebels quilts. And this is the week we all get to share my quilt! Playing With Crayons.... If you have not bee...
Yea Debbie!!! I love painting on fabric and am glad that you tried it.
:: Round Robin Rebels - Playing With Crayons ::
It finally came! My own copy of American Patchwork & Quilting arrived this week! Have you gotten yours yet??? I am super excited because this issue features the Round Robin Rebels quilts. And this is the week we all get to share my quilt! Playing With Crayons.... If you have not bee...
:: Round Robin Rebels - Playing With Crayons ::
It finally came! My own copy of American Patchwork & Quilting arrived this week! Have you gotten yours yet??? I am super excited because this issue features the Round Robin Rebels quilts. And this is the week we all get to share my quilt! Playing With Crayons.... If you have not been following along, you may want to go back and read our previous posts, just to get lowdown on the "rules" we set and how we approached this quilt project. Me {you are already here, but check out my first post on the Round Robin Rebels} Kari Carr {New... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2013 at Whimsicals Threads
That is too funny, Terry! I think if I could go back and redo it, I would have left that skinny border off. I was too concerned about making it a workable size for you when it really should have been left up to you to begin with. Hmmmm..... another lesson learned!
:: Round Robin Rebels - Round 2 ::
The Round Robin Rebels story in American Patchwork and Quilting is in full swing! Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting® magazine. ©2013 Meredith Corporation.All rights reserved. If you happened to stop by last week or came from, you already know what we...
:: Round Robin Rebels - Round 2 ::
The Round Robin Rebels story in American Patchwork and Quilting is in full swing! Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting® magazine. ©2013 Meredith Corporation.All rights reserved. If you happened to stop by last week or came from, you already know what we are all about. But if you simply stumbled here on your own, I encourage you to check out all of our blogs from last week where we shared our rules (or lack thereof) for our Round Robin quilt project and the evolution of Gudrun's quilt. You can find links at the bottom of this post.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2013 at Whimsicals Threads
:: Round Robin Rebels - round 1 ::
I am so excited to finally be able to share with you something that I have been so fortunate to be a part of... The Round Robin Rebels. And our story is featured in the February 2014 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting! Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting® magazine. ©2013 Meredith Corporation.All rights reserved. If you don't have a subscription, you really need to grab one at the newstand when it is available because you won't want to miss it! Trust me on this. So, who and what are The Round Robin Rebels you ask?? A little... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2013 at Whimsicals Threads
:: summer fun ::
Thank you to everyone who left a comment about my pattern All Geared Up. It was fun to hear everyone's preferences for applique..... and how many just stay clear of it. My preference has always been to use freezer paper on the reverse side to turn the edges under, then hand stitch the piece, but I have to admit that I have recently been trying and researching other methods and found a couple that I really like. Maybe someday I'll get around to doing a post about applique methods. But not today..... First, I need to let Tami know that... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2013 at Whimsicals Threads
:: give-away winner ::
It has been a very busy, chaotic week, so I am sorry for letting the ball drop in posting a winner for the giveaway from my last post. The winner of the Big Blocks, Big Style book and the Nordic Visions fabric bundle is Angele. I agree with her comment about GE Designs book and fabric.... "Wow, I do love that fabric. The big block book is just what I need to get going. Thanks for giving me the chance to participate in this giveaway." I will be sending you an email to get all your info so we can... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2013 at Whimsicals Threads
Thank you so much! I spent way too many years in my little tiny room and now that I moved everything I wish I had done it a long time ago. It was worth the upheaval and chaos!
:: GE Designs give away ::
I'm back! And am happy to be a part of a really cool give away for a very special friend and fellow Red Rooster Fabrics designer, Gudrun Erla of GE Designs. I think it was at least 12 years ago when I first met Gudrun at International Quilt Market as the owner of a quilt shop in Iceland. W...
:: GE Designs give away ::
I'm back! And am happy to be a part of a really cool give away for a very special friend and fellow Red Rooster Fabrics designer, Gudrun Erla of GE Designs. I think it was at least 12 years ago when I first met Gudrun at International Quilt Market as the owner of a quilt shop in Iceland. Wow, it's hard to believe that I have known her that long. She would come into my booth to purchase my books and patterns for her shop until she decided to make a move to the U.S. and start her own design... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2013 at Whimsicals Threads
:: journey of a studio ::
For those of you who follow Whimsicals Quilts on Facebook, you may have seen some of these pictures already, but it's been so long since I've posted anything here, I thought I would share the journey of my studio from one end of the house to the other. You see, for 10 years I have called an almost 11' x 13' bedroom my "room", my "space", or most of the time, my "cave". It was cozy. It was familiar. It was all mine, with as much "stuff" as I could stuff into it. I was comfortable there.... most of the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2013 at Whimsicals Threads
:: the aftermath ::
Well..... Nothing like running myself down to the point of having a cold, chills, and no voice before going to Quilt Market, feeling a little better while at Quilt Market, only to come home and find myself (and my husband) sick again. You would think that after so many years of doing this that I would learn the importance of proper rest and nutrition, but < sigh > it hasn't sunk in yet. Getting ready for and exhibiting at Quilt Market is always a blur for me and this one was no exception. In fact, the night before we left,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2012 at Whimsicals Threads
:: breaking the cycle ::
Has it been a long time since I have written a blog post? Oh yea. Do I have a good excuse or reason? Um, no. But I have to be honest and say that blogging is one of the easiest parts of my "job" to ignore and let slide. And really I have no good excuse other than the fact that there is always something else that needs to be done, where blogging falls somewhere between a want and I-know-I-really-should-do-this. So several weeks go by without a posting, which then drags into a month..... or several months..... and I find... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2012 at Whimsicals Threads
:: just spooling around! ::
First things first. I want to thank each and every one of you for sharing your stories, your hearts, your hurts and prayers. I can't tell you how much they touched me. And made me wonder why I waited to share. Well, besides the fact that I was (and still am) so completely overwhelmed with how far behind I am..... BUT, I do have some good news! Tad's scan came back good and his tumor markers were down, so no surgery is needed right now. He goes back in a month for another check and they will once again look... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2012 at Whimsicals Threads
Thank you Tricia for your encouragement! It was hard to write this post and share it, but I'm finding what a blessing it has been and ask myself why I didn't do it sooner. To hear stories from others and know that we are not alone makes all the difference!
:: a matter of perspective ::
So, I have some explaining to do because I have been silent for far too long. Like many creative people, I tend to expect a lot out of myself, which leads to working way too many hours and ignoring other things that really need to be done. Like cleaning the house. And doing the laundry. Or w...
Thank you Colleen! You can let your daughter know that she made my day!
:: a matter of perspective ::
So, I have some explaining to do because I have been silent for far too long. Like many creative people, I tend to expect a lot out of myself, which leads to working way too many hours and ignoring other things that really need to be done. Like cleaning the house. And doing the laundry. Or w...
My heart hurts for you too..... Thank you so much for sharing with me. Through all of this, I am finding how much it helps to just share and talk with others that are going through tough times as well. I know that God is providing us the strength we need, not only to share our stories, but to be an encouragement to each other as well. You are blessed, Maggey!
:: a matter of perspective ::
So, I have some explaining to do because I have been silent for far too long. Like many creative people, I tend to expect a lot out of myself, which leads to working way too many hours and ignoring other things that really need to be done. Like cleaning the house. And doing the laundry. Or w...
:: a matter of perspective ::
So, I have some explaining to do because I have been silent for far too long. Like many creative people, I tend to expect a lot out of myself, which leads to working way too many hours and ignoring other things that really need to be done. Like cleaning the house. And doing the laundry. Or writing a blog. And I know that I can ignore those things for only so long before they too start to become another source of stress. Funny how that works. And my way of dealing with it? Go into hiding. Or more specifically, become... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2012 at Whimsicals Threads
Thank you so much Sandra! It does seem a bit late in the season, doesn't it?! But maybe they were trying to target people like me who don't start on Christmas projects until November. I'm hoping that there are others out there like me who tend to procrastinate until it's too late!
:: apologies ::
Have you ever done something that unintentionally hurts a dear friend or someone you care about? Now I KNOW that most of you can relate, so go ahead and admit it. Well, this recently happened to me and I am so deeply saddened by it. Even when things happen that are merely an accident or uninten...
Market Prep
As you can imagine, I have been frantically trying to get ready for International Quilt Market, which is in { gasp } less than a week. Where oh where did the time go?! I've had several days in the past few weeks when my parents have graciously come to help out, and because mom always brings her camera and takes pictures, I thought I would let her write a post and share some things from her perspective. So, let me introduce to you..... Mom (aka Jackie)! As you read, you will see that I felt the need to insert a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2011 at Whimsicals Threads
:: apologies ::
Have you ever done something that unintentionally hurts a dear friend or someone you care about? Now I KNOW that most of you can relate, so go ahead and admit it. Well, this recently happened to me and I am so deeply saddened by it. Even when things happen that are merely an accident or unintentional, I still feel the need to try and make amends. So here goes.... You see, I just got my copy of Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting (November/December 2011 issue). And on page 78, you will see a lovely quilt called Winterbury Lane and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2011 at Whimsicals Threads
It's about time, don't you know?
I know, I know, it's been FOREVER since I've written anything here. I've started countless times. Have had lots of ideas. I've even written them in my head - and please tell me that I'm not the only one who composes thoughts into stories in my head at a time when I can't write them down..... like when I'm driving or taking a shower.... No, the problem is not in coming up with the ideas or getting started. It's more in the completion. You see, I get started, then get distracted, then lose my train of thought, and by the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2011 at Whimsicals Threads
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