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Hokitika, New Zealand
Interests: All things that involve stitching
Recent Activity
byhokiquilts is now following Carolyn
Jun 1, 2012
Yep, I'm one of those that keep a virtual eye on you too - and I do hope you are sitting with your feet up right now. Melissa, I would love to do one of your designs, they are so clever and cute. Please include me in the draw.
hugs - Miche'le
Faux-doily pattern giveaway!!
Do you love to stitch? Always looking for smaller projects to make as gifts? Do you love doilies like me? Well this might just be the giveaway for you. I recently released two new faux-doily patterns... the first and second in a series of four. Visit this link for more photos. "A Doily for Anna...
byhokiquilts is now following Account Deleted
Feb 6, 2012
byhokiquilts is now following erinrussek
Oct 14, 2011
byhokiquilts is now following Cottage Garden Threads
Sep 30, 2011
byhokiquilts is now following Lisa Cantlay
Sep 30, 2011
byhokiquilts is now following Kim Smith
Sep 8, 2011
byhokiquilts is now following Janet Rowe
Sep 8, 2011
byhokiquilts is now following Bari Ackerman
Jun 26, 2011
Ahhhh, it may be messy but look at those perfect points - worthwile in the end eh?
Just lovely, congratulations.
Paper Piece anyone?
This was my first experience with paper piecing. And no it wont be my last but... Oh what a mess it was. I felt like I was ripping paper for a long time. And while I was ripping all that paper I thought what would happen if this quilt would just fall into a wash machine? MMMMMM no never happened...
byhokiquilts is now following One Day In May, Creations by Melissa Grant
Jun 15, 2011
byhokiquilts is now following Karen Martin
Sep 27, 2010
byhokiquilts is now following Cath Ü
Feb 23, 2010
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