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ELAN...Health & Wellness
Recent Activity
What a great way to celebrate Earth Day! Bring your favourite coffee mug to a Starbucks near you and get a free coffee! Why don't we think of this every day--bringing our coffee mug for a refill instead of using paper cups? Here are some ideas I have about preserving our beautiful Universe for our children, grand-children and future generations: Shut off the light each time I leave a room Turn down the heat while I'm at work and again each night before going to bed Don't leave the tap water running while I brush my teeth I have stopped... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2011 at ELAN
Bonjour Jennifer!
What lovely postings! I LOVE "Art and Soul" - so soft and comforting.
I will take more time to go through everything during Easter weekend!
I see a huge progress compared to my last visit. Keep it up! ;-)
One thing leads to another
Beautiful sunshine again today. Yesterday's brief spell of rain has only teased the plants with a few drops of the water they need. Put seed in the bird feeder (tried to clean it as something strange seems to be growing in the bottom...) and did a bit of pottering round the flower beds. There a...
ELAN...Health & Wellness added a favorite at ELAN
Apr 13, 2011
How May I Serve You?
If you say to the universe, “Gimme, gimme, gimme,” which is what a lot of the work around the law of attraction says because of a misinterpretation, then the universe gives you back what you offered out Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2011 at ELAN
Thanks Terry. I can't wait to read your blog too!
P.S. I'm not quite sure I understand what you meant by the second sentence: "I don't want to use negative words..."
The Soap Party
Tuesday, April 12 The first email I read this morning was from the owner of a B & B I contacted a few weeks ago as a possible client. Today she announced they had chosen another brand of products. They had their clients test 3 different brands and the results were unanimous, they want...
The Soap Party
Tuesday, April 12 The first email I read this morning was from the owner of a B & B I contacted a few weeks ago as a possible client. Today she announced they had chosen another brand of products. They had their clients test 3 different brands and the results were unanimous, they wanted products with that fresh, spa-like perfum. Even the men! She admits that the Olivier Soaps are by far the best product, both for the body and the environment, but they must go with what their clients prefer. I was disappointed but far from discouraged. I will... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2011 at ELAN
Intelligent Thursdays
Thursday is intelligent because you've made it through most of the week, proud of what you've achieved and there's only one more day until Friday!
Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2011 at ELAN
What's so great about a haircut?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011: I just love it when I leave a hair salon feeling like a million dollars! I called my hairdresser yesterday to tell her I was due for a change and I wanted to give her some time to come up with new ideas. She didn't disappoint me. At 7:30 am today I had my hair colored and cut just a bit shorter than usual while leaving in the natural curl. I love it! I didn't do the uncluttering I had planned for this evening but there's still plenty of time tomorrow. I've started getting answers for... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2011 at ELAN
April 5, 2011 Something has changed since yesterday. Don't ask me what, but something is definitely different today. I found myself yelling "yaaaay" as I walked in the door this evening. As I ponder on this a bit the answer seems so simple: today I stopped worrying about what "should be", "could be" and "probably never will be." I just enjoyed each moment by making others around me laugh and just appreciating whatever came my way. I even found a hostess for my upcoming Olivier Skin Care Products NEXT WEEK! Last night, that thought was definitely classified "won't happen." Today... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at ELAN
Thats a startling outlook on the subject Terry, and it makes so much sense. A slow day so that I could describe it! And by the way, things went much better today!
A Slow Day At The Office
I went to bed tired last night. Actually I kind of felt down - I don't know why but I just felt discouraged. It was hard getting out of bed this morning and there didn't seem to be any reason to smile. I hate when that happens cause it really starts the day off wrong. I'm driving to work,...
A Slow Day At The Office
I went to bed tired last night. Actually I kind of felt down - I don't know why but I just felt discouraged. Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at ELAN
Monday mornings aren't so bad after all
Driving home from work Friday evening, I began making a mental list of everything I didn't like in my present situation: working til 6 pm Monday through Friday, no time to walk (or it's too late or too slippery or raining); I don't have any cash for new clothes, decorate the condo or go to a movie. I'll stop here because the list was quite long. My sister-in-law and I talk on the phone almost every Saturday morning - she lives in N.B. so this is our "weekly visit." What we appreciate most about these talks is we motivate and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at ELAN
The Perfect Gift for St-Valentine's Day 100% Natural!
Couple's Pleasure Pack: A romance collection that is sure to set the mood! Made with real rose petals, you’ll enjoy cleansing with the soft, extra-rich moisturizing abilities of our Rose Soap. Your sense of inner passion will be inspired with a relaxing soak in our Lavender Foam Bath. The package is complete with Olivier’s own edible chocolate Body Paint and sensual Massage Oil for him and her. On sale for $29.95 (CAD) Reg. $45.80 Roses & Chocolate: A romance collection that is sure to set the mood! Made with real rose petals, you’ll enjoy cleansing with the soft, extra-rich moisturizing... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2011 at ELAN
I've done it! I've signed up!
It's official - I'm now a Skin Care Consultant for Olivier Soaps! I found this incredible enterprise on the "Dragons Den" on CBC television. I was impressed with Pierre Pelletier from the get-go (VP of Marketing). Not only was I hooked on every word but the products seemed too good to be true! Dragons Den No alcohol, preservatives or chemicals. ALL soaps, lotions and shampoos are handmade and handwrapped! This might just be what I'm looking for as a second income! Something to help pay the bills, buy fun things, clothes and even decorate my condominium. It's almost embarrasing to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2011 at ELAN
Thanks Terry! I found it equally uplifting when writing it.
If you could have anything--dare anything--what would it be?
And if you could have or do anything, what is stopping you from having it all right now? What would you dare to have or be if there were absolutely no limits? Quit your present job? Travel around the world? Buy a new home, a new car or both? Start your own business? Be a world famous writer?...
If you could have anything--dare anything--what would it be?
And if you could have or do anything, what is stopping you from having it all right now? What would you dare to have or be if there were absolutely no limits? Quit your present job? Travel around the world? Buy a new home, a new car or both? Start your own business? Be a world famous writer? Remember, it doesn't have to be a big life altering goal that you want to achieve for this to work. Miracles come in small packages every day. However, you must learn to clear your counter intentions and allow miracles into your life... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2011 at ELAN
A Toast To You
2010 seems to have gone by exceptionnaly fast! Is it just me or do you find that weeks fly by at unbelievable speed? My Acupunturist asked me this same question during my last visit. She wondered if it was her age or just her imagination. I tried reassuring her by saying it was neither, perhaps our beautiful planet is simply spinning faster (just my theory), or maybe it has something to do with 2012 and the Mayan Calendar. By the way, I believe it's been intentionally misinterpreted so that a lot of people can cash in (example: the movie 2012).... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2011 at ELAN
Another free ecard by Smilebox
Another free ecard by Smilebox Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2011 at ELAN
Its great reading your uplifting comment Terry - thank you. One day soon I will be answering numerous comments on my blog each day.
Life is Not About Tomorrow, It is About Right now!
"Life is about how you are currently molding the energy!" Ask and It Is Given (Learning to Manifest Your Desires) by Esther and Jerry Hicks is one of the best books about manifestation that I've read. It gives us the simple practical formula for how to ask for, and then how to receive,...
Life is Not About Tomorrow, It is About Right now!
"Life is about how you are currently molding the energy!" Ask and It Is Given (Learning to Manifest Your Desires) by Esther and Jerry Hicks is one of the best books about manifestation that I've read. It gives us the simple practical formula for how to ask for, and then how to receive, whatever we want to be, do or have. Last weekend decided I should browse through it again. Result? Total joy! Like a heavy burden had been lifted off of my shoulders. (Since composing this blog I've continued the process and I feel more energetic and optimistic). Do... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2010 at ELAN
Hi Dharma!
I love the way you get our attention with "my sketchbook will be doing a tour of America" and then when we read on, you explain that thousands of sketchbooks from around the world will be taking part in this project. Nice touch!
I encourage you to "have fun" with this and maybe give us a glimpse of what "It Must Be.."!
Au revoir,
"It's like a concert tour but with sketchbooks"
Next year my sketchbook will be doing a tour of America. And after a tour of galleries and museums across the country it will be part of a permanent collection at The Brooklyn Art Library. It's not just my sketchbook of course. There will be thousands of others from around the world taking par...
Fruit Fiesta Pie
Here is an easy and absolutely divine dessert that you can whip up in no time for a special occasion. This is one of my son Chris' favorite desserts so I decided to make a couple for our family gathering last Sunday. Chris & his brother Gaby celebrated their birthdays July 2 & July 8. It was very hot & humid so BBQ'd hamburgers & pasta salad were on the menu, followed by the Fruit Fiesta Pie. My grand-daughter Naomi (4) absolutely loved it and told me so at least 2 or 3 times. Just like her dad! Created July... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2010 at ELAN
Hello, this is Julia Child!
Since reading the book my daughter Renée lent me, My Life In France by Julia Child with Alex Prud’homme, I’ve become fascinated with this woman and her enormous talent as a writer and chef. I remember seeing her on TV but I couldn’t stand the sound of her voice and so never watched more than 5 minutes in total! However, after reading the book, I find myself browsing the Internet for clips on Julia and watching her “à l’oeuvre” as the French Chef. Fascinating! I saw a clip on YouTube where Julia made a guest appearance on the David Letterman... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2010 at ELAN
Thanks Michelle! Ive received quite a few positive comments like yours. Could there be a message in there somewhere? Hmmm.
To be continued ....
Heat Wave!
It is one hot week in Québec City! HOT and HUMID! Today the temperature reads 33ºC but with the Humidex (a number used to reflect the combined effect of heat and humidity) it reads 43ºC! We’ll have to wait until Friday for things to cool slightly. The nights are hot & sticky with no breeze ...
Thanks Terry! Your comments are always so encouraging.
I do enjoy myself immensely when writing articles like this one. My goal is to do one every other day or a minimum of 3 per week!
Heat Wave!
It is one hot week in Québec City! HOT and HUMID! Today the temperature reads 33ºC but with the Humidex (a number used to reflect the combined effect of heat and humidity) it reads 43ºC! We’ll have to wait until Friday for things to cool slightly. The nights are hot & sticky with no breeze ...
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