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New York City
Steve connects people with ideas to advance the interior design profession.
Interests: author, speaker, consultant, advocate
Recent Activity
Business Of Design Branding BY BARBARA THAU for ASID i+D Magazine Introspection and brainstorming are in order when determining one’s authentic brand. Those questions are fundamental to building a design business, says Axle Davids, CEO of Toronto-based brand strategy firm Distility, and Stephen Nobel, who runs design consultancy NOBELINKS and authors the online "Business Strategy Solutions" courses for the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Both subscribe to the belief that the answer is within you. Getting to the Heart of the (Brand) Matter By definition, brand essence is embodied unwittingly, Nobel explains. "In my view, the brand almost precedes... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2018 at NOBELINKS
Steve Nobel specializes in the markets for interior design. He counsels his clients in their efforts to build distinguished brands, and to advance the market for interior design and decoration worldwide. In addition to his consulting work, he speaks frequently on the business of design for ASID Chapters, Design Centers, Trade Showrooms and for design professionals in venues throughout North America. His audiences include, students, emerging professionals as well as professionals at every level of their career. During his presentations, he mixes just the right amount of deeply informed content, splendid visuals and his pleasing sense of humor. Steve developed... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2018 at NOBELINKS
To the Trade 2020: Predictions Today’s Age of Disruption Most business models conceived fifty years ago are ill-suited for meeting the challenges of todays dynamic markets. Residential interior design is similarly challenged. Wishful thinking that consumer demand can continue to be channeled through a labyrinth of conventions ‘to the trade’, in an era when consumers are in control and unwilling to abide by most consumption orthodoxy, is perilous to industry incumbents and restrictive to consumer choice. Some ask, “are we about to be Uber-ed?” shocked like so many others in the transportation industry. The trade resources, distribution channels and media... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2017 at NOBELINKS
For the Southern Living Designer Network, we presented the "Top Tenets for Taking Charge" of an interior design business. Misty Chandler provides reference for those who wish to schedule an equally rewarding event. Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2017 at NOBELINKS
Professional fees for professional services (both fixed and hourly) continue to trend upward in designers’ search for the pricing model that outperforms profits from procurement. In a survey conducted by my firm, designers reported that today, pricing models are a mix of revenue sources. Tomorrow, they say, that mix will be heavily weighted toward fees. Clearly, there is no one pricing model that is always profitable for all designers. But many designers have increased or are increasing their income through higher hourly rates and fixed or variable design fees. In my view, they are earning what they deserve from design,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2017 at NOBELINKS
I had an insider's look yesterday at research into Affluent Households in America. There are plenty of them with plenty of wealth for the interior design market to flourish. Just recently the evidence shows, they have shaken pent-up demands and started spending again like never before. They are 'glass-half full' optimistic, 'nesting' in new ways, unburdening from complexity and investing in 'me time.' What that means to me is opportunity for you - new clients for professional interior design Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2017 at NOBELINKS
Recently, I shared a post under this title from the New York Times. Why? Because I believe that all of you are luxury brands, and that we can learn from what the world’s most distinctive luxury brands are doing. They are out to find some equilibrium between the virtues of ‘custom’ (that’s you), technology (that’s online) and understanding their (your) customers’ behavior. We are, too. As the article suggested, “risk is no longer defined as doing something new,” but rather “doing what was done before,” or repeating the perils of the past. The big idea is to embrace “the soulful... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2016 at NOBELINKS
"Design," said Steve Jobs, "is a funny word. Some people think design means how something looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it's how something really works." As Apple's guru, he was hitting on something big. I think many of you are on to something big, too. We know that interior design is not just about product — it is about how it is experienced. It is about something much bigger than the things your clients think they are buying, and what they cost. It is about how the things in situ make them feel in a life well-lived.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2016 at NOBELINKS
As we have grown to know each other over the years, I learned that one of the central passions of your life – interior design - empowers you to delight your clients and enrich their lives, creates an excellent body of work, and dependably sustains your livelihood. Others want to know how you do it but I am not about to ‘tell all’. However, I have been asked to present a keynote address on my Top Ten Tenets to Take Charge in September, so as I draft what I am going to say, I thought I would share the drafting... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2016 at NOBELINKS
I am delighted to be writing to you again this summer. These reflections don't come from under a beach umbrella, although I wish I were there. They do come from my reminiscences of when we began this odyssey toward ever-improving business success. And since then, top designers like you, many of them my clients from around the country, have overcome real or perceived limits and achieved what we call 'success beyond success.' These firms have already nearly mastered the basics; they are now aiming to take their businesses to ‘the next level,’ what ever that means for them. Many have... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2016 at NOBELINKS
This article excerpted from Editor at Large is another example of our advocacy for the interior design profession How can the Decorative Furnishings Association (DFA) and the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) better collaborate on promoting interior design? The two organizations met on July 16 at the Boston Design Center in their second-ever industry summit to discuss just that, with a focus on how to promote the value of the interior design trade to luxury customers and to a younger, DIY-conscious generation. Representatives from Fabricate, Dering Hall, Donghia, Jerry Pair, Duralee, Robert Allen, Stark, Kravet and design centers, in... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2015 at NOBELINKS
Design Centers: what are they today? What do they mean to you? I had a conversation recently and upon reflection answered the question this way: the better design centers today are 'destinations for interior design and the finest home furnishings in the world.' The best ones present a deep and wide assortment of the best of the best, make the shopping experience luxurious and productive, engage the design profession in creative ways, communicate effectively with those who appreciate the finest and, in general, create a community - a design ecosystem - that affords those who value design as key to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2015 at NOBELINKS
When our work really works, it’s gratifying isn’t it? What a concept! But as simple as it sounds, it’s not always easy, is it? But it sure is nice to hear that we have made a difference, especially from our clients and colleagues. I just returned from nearly a month of speaking events, consultations and even trans-Atlantic conversations. Along the way came, ‘everyone should hear Steve’s message,’ ‘he helped me see my real value,’ ‘he really launched my business,’ and even ‘business guru.’ These are small gestures but generous rewards, made even more so because these comments, like those you... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2015 at NOBELINKS
Demonstrably superior and pleasingly different. Sound like you, your business, your brand? There are 50,000 interior designers in the United States. What makes your business different from the other designers in your market – your competitors? Defining your brand is essential for you to stand out from the crowd. A brand is what you stand for, a promise you make, and the personality you convey. Think of your brand as a luxury brand — I do — because the people who will buy your services buy luxury brands. Those brands –especially in service businesses like interior design, also live in... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2015 at NOBELINKS
Are your business intentions clear to you? Once again, by focussing on what’s right for you the energy to fulfill them is bound to find you. One way to get started is to write yourself a letter from the future. Imagine yourself three years from now and write that letter describing what your business has achieved and what personal goals you have met. Let your optimism shine through. Reinforce your confidence that you can succeed beyond today's success. But don’t deny worry; if you do, about what? Other goals and accomplishments will emerge as you think about your self. Earning... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2015 at NOBELINKS
When I am privileged to work with designers like you, one-on-one, we face head-on a full range of issues, including personal and professional balance, money and mojo, contracts and fees, attracting and keeping best clients, responding to the inner voice that keeps you up at night and getting to the heart of the big strategic question: what's next? Sound familiar? Let’s start with you; what would satisfaction feel like to you in 2017? That's another way of asking, how do you see yourself in two years? Are there other professional roles for you to aspire to beyond 'designer' or 'entrepreneur'?... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2015 at NOBELINKS
We began this odyssey years ago; aiming toward success in the design business. And since then, top designers like you, many of them my clients from around the country, have overcome real or perceived limits to their potential and achieved what we call ‘success beyond success.' These firms have already nearly mastered the basics; they are now aiming to take their business to 'the next level,’ what ever that means for them. Many have already made it, only to find that their vision can still be refined. When I am privileged to work with them, one-on-one, we face head-on a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2015 at NOBELINKS
ASID Accelerate Studio: Charlotte Join ASID and me for Accelerate Studio, a full day of accelerated learning created to help members expand their design knowledge and learn new strategies for their businesses. Accelerate Studio is presented by me and will focus on "Design Entrepreneurship: The Cycle of Success". Created with residential designers and small business owners in mind, this targeted workshop will feature six Interior Design Continuing Education Council (IDCEC) approved sessions that will focus on topics to help interior designers build successful, sustainable businesses. Attendees can participate in all six sessions or choose sessions a la carte. This course... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2015 at NOBELINKS
NOBELINKS, my consulting firm, celebrates its 20th anniversary creating 'links' for new people, places and ideas in the design community. Our acquired body of knowledge is a luxury worth sharing, so expect to hear from me regularly with links to ideas, people and places that strengthen the value of design. A big birthday brings me eagerly into the third trimester of this life; exhilarated by the first two and liberated for what's next. For many of us, it's time to 're-time' how, when and with whom we create experience and share it. A friend of mine is an expert on... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2015 at NOBELINKS
NOBELINKS, my consulting firm, celebrates its 20th anniversary creating 'links' for new people, places and ideas in the design community. Our acquired body of knowledge is a luxury for me and a gift worth sharing with so many of you. So, expect to hear from me regularly with links to ideas, people and places that strengthen your business and our advocacy for the value of design. I am an ideas person. Social media, it seems to me, is a natural place to exchange them. Yet while my enthusiasm for the blogosphere is tempered, I do believe that you - my... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2015 at NOBELINKS
I approach the business of design from the inside out; from the designer's soul to the enterprise balance sheet. We start where it all starts - in my experience, the most progressive businesses examine themselves through three dimensions: the self satisfaction of the leader, the culture that connects people in common cause and the enterprise itself. Considering all three dimensions simultaneously is powerful. Narrowly focussing on just one dimension, while overlooking the affects of the others is often extremely disappointing. We often aim to do a lot in a short amount of time, so we go big. Phase #1. We... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2015 at NOBELINKS
Stephen Nobel shows designers how to reach 'the next level' Posted on Friday, March 13, 2015. After Stephen Nobel’s presentation for ADAC, interior designers left equipped with tools to better market and grow their business. Hosted by Dan Cahoon, the president of Jerry Pair as well as president of the DFA, the presentation keyed in on strategies for moving on from a plateau of success, touching on leadership, business management and maintaining relationships as a proactive part of gaining new clients. Nobel’s presentation was informed by not only personal experience but also by a survey conducted by the DFA where... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2015 at NOBELINKS
Stephen Nobel shows designers how to reach 'the next level' Posted on Friday, March 13, 2015. Serendipity is often inspiring, especially on the occasion of this nice article appearing just as my company, NOBELINKS, celebrates its 20th anniversary creating 'links' for new people, places and ideas in the design community. Our acquired body of knowledge is a luxury for me and a gift worth sharing with so many of you. So, beginning next week, expect to hear from me biweekly with links to ideas, people and places that strengthen our advocacy for the value of design. After Stephen Nobel’s presentation... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2015 at NOBELINKS
Interior designers filled the conference center at ADAC last week for a presentation by Steve Nobel on “Meta-Marketing: going beyond what is to achieving what could be.” His remarks explore every dimension of designers' success, including ways to build creative confidence, improve each client’s experience with design, the digital marketplace, price competitiveness and particularly the loyalty necessary to make the showroom marketplace viable and sustainable. New year’s resolutions notwithstanding, Ann Wisniewski ASID said, “I always enjoy starting my year off right by coming to ADAC and listening to Steve.” Jo Rabaut, Principal at Rabaut Design Associates and Director at Large... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2015 at NOBELINKS
We start the year Big in Dallas Design Trust is a by-invitation-only trust among real pros that respect each other, and as a result make our salon enriching personally and professionally. In addition to all the glitter and glam, it is always about the people, so please consider joining your peers who are coming. The continuously evolving itinerary follows below, beginning with our guest presenters Bill Stubbs an AD100 designer and innovative leader of the design business and Susan Fredman CEO and Founder of Fredman Design Group, Stones Throw Builders and Designs for Dignity. In addition, I shall present a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at NOBELINKS