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I'm Spartacus and so is my wife.
Sorry felt a Life of Brian moment come over me there.
Meet the friendly new fingerprint hawking the ID card
Firstly, a massive hat-tip to The Register for alerting us to this story, and particular thanks to John Lettice for providing me with the gruesome evidence. If you're wondering who the strange looking fella' to the right is; he is the new face of/logo for the Identity and Passport Service's la...
Labour will extend it to cover everyone should they win the election, the thought of control and another lovely database is just to good to miss.
After all we were promised a vote on Europe, which never happened, so they can not be trusted.
Given that the Government is revising the child contact vetting database, why not consider going the whole hog - and scrap it?
Following significant criticisms, covered by Dylan earlier in the week, Ed Balls and co have admitted there are significant problems with the "Independent Safeguarding Authority" vetting database for people coming into contact with children, and have started making major revisions to it. One...
So they are to be armed with tasers, for no reason other than the state has got lots of them to hand out.
They managed to do their job perfectly well without them until now and I see no reason for innocent citizens to be endangered by this move.
'Ello 'ello 'ello - prepare to be Tasered
The Standard tells us that British Transport Police officers armed with electric stun guns have been deployed on the rail network for the first time. BTP has announced that three-month "pilot schemes" have been launched by officers patrolling the rail network in London, Cardiff and Manchester. ...
Getting slightly off topic, she is just another grasping corrupt MP.
One that was found guilt of misuse of your money:
arliamentary Standards Commissioner John Lyon has found Labour MP and Justice Minister Bridget Prentice guilty of misusing Parliamentary funds, when she delivered parliamentary newsletters to areas of Lewisham that aren't currently in her constituency but will be after the next election.
She also voted for ID cards, both slightly more important than pink toys.
Childhood's End
A Labour MP wants a ban on shops selling ‘sexist’ pink toys to little girls. Signing up to the (I'm not kidding) Pink Stinks campaign, the (*Orwell turns in grave*) "Justice Minister" Bridget Prentice says she wants to push shops such as the Early Learning Centre to stop stocking pink things. ...
Alistair, I agree but sadly this government seems to give away our data with every box of Kellog's Frosties.
Hardly a week go's by without some department leaking our data.
Beware the EHRC's new 'lifestyle database'
On Saturday, Big Brother Watch and the blogger Old Holborn combined to expose the Equality and Human Rights Commission's attempt to create an enormous database intended to catalogue our 'levels of equality'. Freedom of Information requests sent out by Old Holborn reveal that the EHRC is in the...
How long before this data is hacked, lost or left on a USB data stick on a train?
Beware the EHRC's new 'lifestyle database'
On Saturday, Big Brother Watch and the blogger Old Holborn combined to expose the Equality and Human Rights Commission's attempt to create an enormous database intended to catalogue our 'levels of equality'. Freedom of Information requests sent out by Old Holborn reveal that the EHRC is in the...
Paul, the image is from
I know you MP's steal anything not nailed down but at least give a chap credit for his work in mocking Bob Ainsworth(less).
Inflaming hatred
Now we know. The threatened action by the so-called WDL is likely to happen on Saturday next in Newport. It will probably follow the pattern of the Swansea event. A relatively small number of EDL/WDL will arrive in Newport, get tanked up to give them alcoholic courage, then they will spew up ...
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