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Ha! that'd be pretty sweet, i could do the whole throat slice thing
Yep future peter is badass
Hmmm i just thought of something... since i won't be cosplaying sylar next time i'm gonna have to post it on a milo ventimiglia community board? Lol
Thanks jezebelle! =)
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Haha that's a great idea!
I think i might be going as future peter this year =P
Not sure? good idea bad idea? haha
Thanks olay!
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I'd say 80% of the people who were there knew, took a while for them to click though hehe
Actually i walked past a few kids on the way to the venue and they instantly got it, i heard one of them say "SYLAR!" haha
It would've been cool if i had the parking meter to lug around to =D
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i think i'm missing the 2 most important things
big eyebrows and facial hair XD
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nemesis added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Feb 22, 2010
haha nice
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thanks bones
season 1 i believe? =P my fav
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thanks alot =)
if anyone has any high sized pics of sylar from season 1 at the kirby plaza scene can you please post them? i cant seem to find any =(
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nemesis added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Nov 9, 2009
thank ya! =)
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Thanks! =)
By any chance does Zach read through here?
I''d really like to ask his opinion on my take of sylar haha, I know it's pretty bad though heh.
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awesome costume
nemesis added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Nov 8, 2009
nemesis is now following Zachary Quinto
Nov 8, 2009
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