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London, UK
Interests: Music, travel, exploring london and discovering new pubs., cooking, reading, photography, blogging, cycling, drinking guinness and g&ts (not together, mind)
Recent Activity
After a few weeks of experimenting with this blog, I'm now going to call it quits. It was fun while it lasted and I thank everyone for leaving so many lovely comments and "favouriting" many of my posts. You can continue to keep up with my antics at kimbofo, and I'd be delighted if you "followed" me over there. So long, and thanks for all the fish! Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2009 at Duckspeak
The landmarks, from left to right: Sea Container's House, OXO Tower, ITV building, London Eye and the National Theatre. Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2009 at Duckspeak
kimbofo is now following Mediations
Nov 21, 2009
kimbofo is now following .tiff
Nov 20, 2009
The things you stumble upon when you go for a lunch time ramble. I discovered this intriguing sign on the former site of the Barclay & Perkins Brewery (1781-1955), which is just behind the current Globe Theatre. Apparently General Haynau, from Austria, was not a very popular chappy because he had a reputation for flogging women. When he toured the brewery on a trip to London in 1850 two drayman jumped off a cart and beat him up. That it's commemorated on a street plaque 160 years after the fact suggests it must have been quite a beating! There's more... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Duckspeak
kimbofo is now following JonathanM
Nov 18, 2009
kimbofo is now following Maxine
Nov 18, 2009
kimbofo is now following Ismail Elshareef
Nov 18, 2009
From a menu picked up in Edinburgh recently... What does fried pizza taste like, I wonder. And what the hell is a wolfdog sausage? Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at Duckspeak
Oh, I fell out of my hammock too. I'll never look at a sleeping bag the same way again! ;-) Oh, my review is here:
1 reply
kimbofo is now following Mark Simmons
Nov 17, 2009
kimbofo is now following Trevor Cook
Nov 17, 2009
kimbofo added a favorite at microdogging
Nov 17, 2009
It's hard to imagine that London was bombed so extensively during the Second World War. And yet, there are little reminders everywhere, such as this inlaid cross in the grounds of Christ Church in Southwark. Every time I walk past it, and read the little plaque nearby, I can feel the goosebumps erupt on my skin. On 17th April 1941 Christchurch was set on fire by enemy action and the church cross fell in flames on this spot. These stones mark where the grass was scorched by the burning cross Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2009 at Duckspeak
kimbofo is now following Chris Alden
Nov 17, 2009
kimbofo is now following Alex Deve
Nov 17, 2009
kimbofo is now following Account Deleted
Nov 17, 2009
kimbofo is now following Michael Sippey
Nov 17, 2009
kimbofo is now following Account Deleted
Nov 17, 2009
Thanks, Michael. It's hard not to take a great photograph of Venice's waterways though; it's such a beautiful city.
Toggle Commented Nov 17, 2009 on Memories of Venice at Duckspeak
I fired off this picture at about 2.30pm today when I was taking a lunch-time stroll along the South Bank. I hadn't really paid attention to the sky until I saw it through the viewfinder of my BlackBerry. Suddenly, it took on a life of its own: a swathe of fast-moving grey clouds on a powder blue background. Little glimmers of sunlight were shining down, turning the surface of the river into a mirror and illuminating the buildings on the north side so that they glowed a pleasant and warming gold. Looking at this picture now you'd be forgiven for... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2009 at Duckspeak
Prompted by the news that Venetians held a mock funeral for their city yesterday (because the population has dipped below 60,000), I decided to hunt out some of my Venice photographs. I've been to Venice twice -- for a few days in 2002 and a week in 2006 -- and it remains one of my favourite places on the planet. These four photographs were snapped on that second trip (in which I came down with a rather nasty case of pneumonia). You can see my two Venice galleries on smugmug or check out some of my favourite piccies on my... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2009 at Duckspeak