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Liked & posted on Facebook:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=190849234295114&id=163899937000512 livinginlalalandblog at gmail
I follow My Life Scoop & retweeted!!/Living_LaLaLand/status/68045169815072768 livinginlalalandblog at gmail
I am finishing up my cancer treatments and would love to have a Kindle while I am there.There are only a few puzzles there and once you've completed them all, it can get a little boring! Thanks for the opportunity
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2011 on Share Your Dream Getaway and Win $500! at Life Scoop
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2011 on Share Your Dream Getaway and Win $500! at Life Scoop
I have had enough of the snow, wind, rain, sleet and hail! It is brutal when you it chills right to the bone;( I could definately use a vacation! Somewhere nice and warm where I can lay on the beach under a cabana with a good drink with or without an umbrella and watch my son playing in the water, making sand castles in the sand. Ahhh perfect!! Thank you for the opportunity!
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2011 on Share Your Dream Getaway and Win $500! at Life Scoop
Great ideas! I have been on a hunt for a good yet stylish laptop bag and these ones look great! Thanks for sharing!
Posted on Facebook:!/Ma21cuteboy/posts/166567903373843
My son would love this! I would actually still it when he is at school or sleeing! shhhh;} I love that you don't need controllers! Thank you for hte opportunity!!
ma21cuteboy is now following Clear Scraps
Oct 27, 2010
I 'like' Life Scoop on Facebook-ChacoyAguayo/Ma21cuteboy, and shared:!/Ma21cuteboy?v=wall&story_fbid=114509928607745&ref=mf
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2010 on Back-to-School 2.0 - Enter to Win! at Life Scoop
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2010 on Back-to-School 2.0 - Enter to Win! at Life Scoop
My greatest wish would be to have a laptop to take with me to my classes and also my chemo treatments so I can do my homework but for now it would be for a printer-my anatomy professor makes us print out all of the slides to the lectures and my printer is very tempremental. It only works when it wants to;( Thank you for the opportunity!!
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2010 on Back-to-School 2.0 - Enter to Win! at Life Scoop
We go through the same thing and as I can see everyone said google calendar, but mine isn't technology at all. It is actually paper(calendar), and color coded folders. Everyone will send/emial their info on a certain day mom will put it into that certain folder ie. son-blue, daughter-pink, mom-purple, and dad-green you have "together" functions highlighted, daughter functions highlighted(pink) son functions highlighted(blue) etc. and everyone has a folder with eachothers info/scedule. Sorry I couldn't give you a great technological organizing way. I hope this helps or gives you an idea & not confuses you to death! lol
+3 I have the Amelie Jo button here:
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on Adorable Snugglepants Giveaway! at From Scratch
+2 I have the Amelie Jo button here:
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on Adorable Snugglepants Giveaway! at From Scratch
+1 I have the Amelie Jo button here:
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on Adorable Snugglepants Giveaway! at From Scratch
+1 I subscribe to the newsletter and guestbook:)
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on Adorable Snugglepants Giveaway! at From Scratch
I absolutely love all of them, but I chose one to comment with. I like the Muted Stripe:)
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on Adorable Snugglepants Giveaway! at From Scratch
ma21cuteboy is now following Amelie Jo
Nov 9, 2009